3 Ways to Build Digital Trust in the Age of Normalized Data Breaches

Frost & Sullivan Digital Transformation expert leads a webinar on growing your organization's consumer digital trust


SANTA CLARA, California, Jan. 18, 2019 – In a time where major data breaches have become a routine feature of the news cycle, consumer digital trust is at once an intangible and highly consequential metric for any organization conducting business online. For most businesses, building or losing digital trust can have a profound impact on the bottom line.

Frost & Sullivan invites you to join our Digital Transformation expert, Jason Reed, for the webinar “Digital Trust in the Age of Normalized Data Breaches” on January 22, 2019. With a focus on 10 major global markets, this session will show the results of groundbreaking research that quantifies this difficult-to-measure concept and outlines the business implications of building or losing trust. Additionally, it will outline key areas that can help build consumer trust in online brands and services, and highlight proven methods to improve business outcomes.

For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit: http://frost.ly/33w

“Consumers gravitate toward businesses that they feel are responsible stewards of their personal information, and there are some notable misconceptions in the business community about how much consumers trust organizations,” explains Reed. 

Attend this briefing and discover:

  • The degree to which business leaders’ perceptions of their customers’ trust aligns with consumer reality.
  • What makes (or breaks) consumer digital trust in organizations.
  • Regional variations in the degree of trust consumers have in online services.
  • The concrete impacts on consumer behavior as a result of a decline in trust, including their likelihood to continue using an online service.