5 Best Career Options in the Cybersecurity Field


Cybersecurity is rapidly emerging as the fastest-growing stream of employment in the IT industry.

That’s because of an increasing number of businesses, including banks and financial institutions, online retailers, healthcare providers and educational institutions going online due to the new normal.

In fact, most work has moved to various online platforms during the new normal. This situation makes it important for every business or organization with an online presence to step up their cybersecurity.

Because, the number of cybercrimes such as hacking, planting spyware and malware or even ransomware attacks is on the rise.

This leaves you with ample scope to make a career in cybersecurity.

Reasons to Make Career in Cybersecurity

You might wonder, what’re the reasons to make a career in cybersecurity. To begin with, there are five best career options in this field.

And secondly, unemployment rates in the cybersecurity field are zero. This means, every cybersecurity expert in the world is gainfully employed.

Also, cybersecurity experts draw large salaries, of $100,000 and more per year. That’s because losses to organizations due to cybercrime stand at a whopping $6 trillion per year.

Cybersecurity experts are those who can prevent such losses.

That’s because they identify vulnerabilities and patch them up so that no hacker can gain access to their organization’s network.

Therefore, working as a cybersecurity expert is also a prestigious job.

5 Best Career Options in Cybersecurity

Therefore, if you’re interested in making a career in cybersecurity, here are the top five options you could consider.

These are the topmost and high demand best career opportunities you can try in 2021 and beyond.

1. Blockchain Developer

The blockchain is an integral part of cryptocurrency trade and dealings. These are very high-value transactions. Hence, it’s obvious that hackers would try to target the blockchain.

You can make a superb career as a blockchain developer. Generally, blockchain developers create a secure environment that facilitates such trades by using methods such as cryptography.

 They also use multiple platforms to secure their blockchain networks. You’ll require superb knowledge of data structure, web development, cryptography and other blockchain essentials to work in this position.

2. Cybersecurity Project Manager

A cybersecurity project manager is a leadership role. If you’ve some experience in the field of cybersecurity, you can apply for this post.

Generally, cybersecurity project managers are responsible for developing systems to defend their employer’s staff, assets and data against hacker attacks of all kinds. 

They have to work in a team with other cybersecurity specialists and find ways and means to secure computer systems from external as well as any possible internal threats.

You’ll require a degree in cybersecurity, IT, or computer science with adequate experience to apply for this role. Additionally, having a project management certification can bag you the job easily.

3. Network Engineer

Basically, the job of a network engineer is to secure the computer networks of their employer. As experts in the field, they set up secure networks that allow staff and management of an organization to work safely.

They also maintain these networks in collaboration with other members of the team. Part of their job is also to ensure that a network isn’t vulnerable to hacking and other cyberattacks and is secure from any internal threats too.

Therefore, they use various kinds of firewalls and monitor threats, find solutions if a network is under attack and ensure that the network doesn’t crash due to any malware or ransomware or viruses. You will require a degree in IT and computer networking to get this prized job.

4. Information Security Analyst

Generally, an information security analyst is a very senior position. They create policies and strategies for dealing with any possible attacks on their employer’s computer network from external and internal sources.

Basically, their task is to ensure that sensitive information from their employer can’t be accessed by unauthorized persons such as hackers and other cybercriminals.

They monitor computer systems and networks and assess various vulnerabilities while patching them to render them secure.  

An information security analyst also analyzes various kinds of threats and if they detect one, they take appropriate action to defend their networks.

You will require a Bachelor’s degree in IT, computer science and data analytics to get this top position. 

5. Ethical Hacker 

Becoming an ethical hacker is very simple. Nowadays, there are several classrooms and online courses available to get the Certification of Ethical Hacker (CEH), which is compulsory for this position.

However, you’ll also require a degree in IT or computer sciences since working as an ethical hacker involves a lot of technical knowledge.

Basically, certified ethical hackers will test various computer systems and identify their weak points or vulnerabilities to different kinds of threats such as hacking and phreaking attacks, malware, ransomware and viruses.

They’re trained to think like a cybercriminal but use their knowledge to protect their employer’s computer networks from any potential attacks.

In Conclusion

If you have the necessary educational qualifications and expertise, it’s easy to make a superb career in the field of cybersecurity.  There are some best Cybersecurity courses are available online, which help you to get expertise in this field.

You could aim for any of these top five positions to make a career in this field of computer sciences.

As I mentioned earlier, cybersecurity is gaining tremendous importance worldwide, especially after 2020 as businesses and other organizations move their work to online platforms increasingly. Therefore, this is the best time to make a career in this field through the five vest career options that I describe above.