TOKYO, Aug 5, 2019 – Fujitsu Limited has announced that it will begin selling the latest version of its Fujitsu Manufacturing Industry Solution VPS V15L21, a digital production preparation tool developed by Digital Process Ltd.
The new version builds on the functionality of previous versions, which has included the ability to create Virtual Product and Process Simulator (VPS) assembly configuration from CAD configuration for designing products, as well as the ability to edit work processes and man-hours while visually checking the process. By adding work process tree window that show the sequence and hierarchical structure of the process to these existing functions, the new version allows users to create process information while taking into consideration manufacturing information, such as the components used in each process, the sequence and locations of tasks, the equipment and tools required, and necessary manufacturing know-how.
This new version promotes the use of work process information through links with related systems, including production measurement systems and component supply management systems, by collecting a wide range of scattered manufacturing information within VPS. The new version thereby helps realize greater knowledge sharing and more precision in process planning, while supporting improved productivity on the ground in manufacturing.
1. Enables production planning using process trees that takes the flow of the assembly process into consideration
With previous versions of this solution, assembly sequences based on product configuration could be converted into and displayed on manufacturing flow window, but with VPS V15L21, new functionality has been added that can aggregate manufacturing information, such as what to assemble, with what components, where, and how they should be assembled, and then display it all together on a process tree window showing the process sequence and hierarchical structure.
Because production designers can change the sequencing or hierarchical levels of steps within the process on the process tree window without impacting the sequencing or hierarchical levels of steps on the production flow window, this version makes it possible to establish production plans that take into consideration steps that can be done in advance or in parallel. In addition, this version can also incorporate the floor plan of the factory in the background, displaying a process block diagram with each process laid out in its work location.
With these new capabilities, this version enables production designers to consider plans that take into account the relationships and flow within the process as a whole, including the positional relationships of each work location.
2. Displays various kinds of manufacturing information for each process, and connects with related systems
Due to this version’s ability to switch from the overall view of the process tree window to an overall view of the components added in each individual process, or to attribute overviews, including storage locations, man-hours, or the time required for the process as a whole, it can easily pull out necessary process information. This allows users to efficiently engage in highly-accurate process planning. In addition, because this version also includes the capability to display information about the components used in each process, and to output information to related systems, the work it required until now to create individual component supply lists can be completed more efficiently. This can reduce planning time and increase planning accuracy.
In addition, this version makes it easy to reuse process information, such as in plans for similar products or in production plans for the same product at a different factory.
3. Allows optimization of overall workload through a process allocation list function
This version incorporates the ability to compare the total man-hours assigned to each worker or each facility by resource, and create process allocation lists that take into consideration complex patterns, including staffing and the number and types of production stations. By using this function, production designers can create work plans that take into consideration the balance of resources such as workers and equipment, optimizing production facilities and improving productivity.
Process information created using these new functions can also be viewed through the VPS Viewer that Fujitsu provides for free, making it possible to use the VPS as a simple BOP.
Pricing and Availability for Fujitsu Manufacturing Industry Solution VPS V15L21.
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