26 May, 2020- We wanted to make you aware of a live Q&A session being hosted by Dragon Innovation and Farnell for design engineers looking to use single board computers as an embedded device. During the event, to be held on Wednesday, May 27th, at 10:00 AM EST, experts from Dragon Innovation and Farnell share advice on part selection when scaling to mass manufacturing and discuss the pros and cons of using custom or generic parts.
Taking part in this live Q&A session will be:
- Dragon Innovation, VP of Europe, Nicholas Avril
- Farnell, Global Program Manager for Single Board Computers, Sarah Fawcett
- Farnell, Global Product Manager for Single Board Computers, Simon Wade
Attendees can register and submit questions by visiting: https://try.dragoninnovation.com/custom-vs-generic-parts-qa-may-2020