Your Computing Devices Can Get Smarter and Faster: A New Research

computing devices

The very thought of having a computing system that is faster than the existing models is riveting. However, when there is research that proposes the possibility of a new and more efficient computer, it sparks a sense of intrigue. Amit Verma, an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science, UPES, has proposed a new model of computing device that can overcome the limitations of current computing systems. This model, developed during his research titled ‘Multi-state logic for computation’, can be instrumental in making of a smarter, faster and more efficient computing system. In a way, the research is a giant step towards an era of computing devices with even more advanced decision-making powers.

How Does the New Model Work?

Keeping in mind that quantum computing has a limit of four levels of logic and same quantum logic can’t be extended for higher radix computing, Professor Amit Verma has designed a ternary logic-based inverter circuit which is considered as t-NOT gate and a building block for other ternary operators (such as p-NAND, s-NAND, p-NOR, and s-NOR). Circuit for ternary Adder and decoder is designed using proposed ternary operators. The patent filed for a circuit for t-NOT gate based on ternary logic and ternary NAND and NOR gate. Patents to be filed for ternary decoder and adder circuit.  Using the concept of ternary logic, Professor Amit has been able to show how the number of components, interconnection overhead, power consumption, memory, and the time required for performing the same task has reduced significantly in comparison to the current system. Proposed ternary logic is designed as an extension of binary logic and open for further higher radix computation.

According to his guide Dr Manish Prateek, Dean, School of Computer Science, UPES, “The proposed model is path-breaking and going to start new avenues of research in the field. The researchers can now explore areas such as basic building blocks, like transistors if compared with the contemporary system, input devices, output devices, storage etc. As of now, specific languages are used to provide instructions to computers, which is encoded, and then decoded for human use. However, with the multi-valued logical system, the language of instruction will need changes as well.” 

Current Computing System and Limitations

Professor Amit Verma says that a computer is a machine for doing arithmetic  and logical operations. Current binary machines work on two logical levels that is 0 and 1. But in actual we perform all mathematical operations in decimal  not on binary. With current binary machines, we are on stage one of computation which is having a wide scope for designing circuitry to raise the radix of computation. Therefore, his proposed circuitry is designed for radix three based on binary core concepts and can be extended for higher logic. And require less number of electronic components, interconnection overhead, memory and will highly reduce the time of computation.

The circuits for ternary decoder is published in The Patent Office Journal No. 32/2019 Dated 09/08/2019 Application Number – 201911031214A

The circuits for ternary NAND and NOR gate published in The Patent Office Journal No. 36/2019 Dated 06/09/2019 Application Number – 201911033014A

Research Paper titled “T-NOT Gate : A Novel Circuit based on Ternary Logic” published in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019.

Research Paper titled “Am-Multiplication: A Novel Multiplication Algorithm Based Binary Multiplexer” published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Volume-7, Issue-6, March 2019