Tender No: 9(1)/2020-MDD (Vol.1)
NavIC is an independent and regional satellite navigation system of India. Government of India is promoting NavIC as an indigenous positioning technology with an inbuilt messaging system. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India is trying to support companies facilitate market entry of NavIC in established market of tracking and navigation. Hence, MeitY seeks proposals from bidder to design, manufacture, supply and maintain Integrated NavIC and GPS chips and ensure deployment of Integrated NavIC and GPS receivers.
The Pre Bid Briefing date mentioned in subject RFP/Tender document under clause 1.3- (Important Dates) is hereby postponed from December 11, 2020 to December 14, 2020 at 15:00-17:00hrs. The last date for submission of written queries for clarification against the subject RFP mentioned in Sl. No. 2 under clause 1.3 Important Dates is hereby extended upto 9th December 2020.
Corrigendum– III EMD & PBG: Against the subject RFP, Bid Security Declaration to be submitted by the bidders (as per the revised Annexure D.2 enclosed in below Corrigendum document) in place of EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) and Performance Bank Guarantee has been reduced from 5% to 3%
Corrigendum –III EMD and PBG327.19 KB
T know more click on Tender Document
Pre-bid Queries and Clarifications to the subject RFP