Smart Video (CCTV) is More Than Just Seeing; it’s Looking Ahead

Khalid Wani, Director, Sales, India, Western Digital


CCTV or video surveillance isn’t just about security any longer, it goes beyond storing the visual data.  Today’s surveillance systems have come far from simple low-resolution videos that remained as just a recording on a drive. With 4K video quality supplemented by advanced analytics software, surveillance solutions have unlocked new business value for video recordings. They can bring actionable knowledge to businesses and organizations who can gain insights into different aspects of their business such as customers’ retail shopping behaviours, smart city management of traffic congestion, or providing more efficient operations and yields.

Here’s a list of a few examples of how smart video (CCTV) surveillance is helping us-

  • Theft Prevention

The technology is advancing at a lightning speed. Today, a special camera created with AI capabilities is able to detect potential shoplifters in retail stores based solely on their movement.  The cameras use special AI technology to create real-time models of the body position and motion. Deep learning systems then train these smart cameras to analyze these models in real-time and recognize specific body movements that are likely associated with shoplifting.  The camera can alert the shopkeeper if it detects suspicious behaviour, so the shopkeeper can prevent the loss. However, it is important to note that if you are not using the right storage solutions then deploying this advanced smart video camera system is of no use.  You need storage that is built ground up for the unique, always-on demands of such cameras in these settings such as WD Purple drives and microSD cards

  • Retail Display Management

The role of psychology has long been critical to successful retail stores. Knowing where and how to display items for sale can be the difference between profits and losses. Video analytics paired with machine learning and other algorithms can provide robust feedback for retailers. They can test various layouts based on the movement pattern of customers within the store. The science behind retail stores is far more mature than many people realize, and the field of video analytics is poised to offer a host of new information.

Warehouse management Video analytics offer a compelling suite of new tools for manufacturing units and industries. Warehouse management requires a considerable amount of human labour, as inventory management is at the center of successful operations. Armed with video analytics, warehouse managers can rely on automated tracking and leverage analytics tools to operate more efficiently, providing a competitive advantage. Video monitoring is increasingly being used to detect product faults and gaps in the manufacturing process and conduct predictive maintenance in extensive facilities.

  • Remote Monitoring in Healthcare

Smart video monitoring systems offer healthcare professionals an edge to work with greater efficiency. Being able to track patients remotely can prove to be very helpful, especially in the present day. One specific use case is: monitoring patients with dementia. Those with Alzheimer’s and other conditions are prone to walking away with the risk of losing their way or endangering themselves. With facial recognition, care centers can promptly alert staff members of such situations and act immediately. However, there continues to be a need to address privacy concerns about use of smart video in healthcare facilities to ensure compliance with regulations and patient expectations.

Today actionable insights can be pulled from data of smart video by applying analytics. However, having the right storage is as important as the camera. WD Purple portfolio for surveillance is engineered specifically for the extreme demands of high temperature, always-on surveillance environments. The new addition to the portfolio, WD Purple Pro drives, are designed for new generations of high-end AI-enabled recorders and video analytics appliances and they come in a range of 8TB to 18TB* to support a variety of systems for AI-heavy workloads, including backend enterprise servers.  Additionally, you also need storage on the edge should cameras lose connection with the NVR. WD Purple microSD cards come with capacities of up to 1TB*, providing backup for your smart video solution.

These use cases illustrate the promise of smart video, but to take advantage of these you must have the right storage solutions.

*As used for storage capacity, 1TB = one trillion bytes. Actual user capacity may vary depending on operating environment.