PSSC Facilitating the Skill Development Activities by Engaging Capable Training Partners

BY- Ravi P. Singh, CEO, Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC)


In India, being one of the biggest economies in the world with growing industrialisation, demand for power is likely to rise manifold in the near future. This is expected to increase the demand of skilled and trained people in this area. It is estimated that the power sector will need an additional 16.6 lakh skilled manpower by 2025. Meeting this demand for additional skilled manpower will be a challenge for the sector. To solve this problem, Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) has been facilitating the skill development activities by engaging capable training partners to provide meaningful training to the workforce. In thisinterview, Ravi P. Singh, CEO, Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC), explains the importance of trained workforce in power sector and how PSSC is helping the industry in upskilling.

TIMESTECH : What are the key objectives of the Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC)?

RAVI : The reasons for creating PSSC were multiple. Objectives were facilitating comprehensive engagement with power utilities; sharing skill and employability concerns with Industry partners; identification of major job roles with high employment volumes; providing inputs for development of National Occupational Standards/ Qualification Packs (NOS/QPs); support in NOS/QPs development study by PSSC Consultants; support for validation; creating pool of skilled personnel for power equipment manufacturing sector; preference in employment, recruitment rules to be NSQF skill level compliant; and to consider PSSC certified workmen for both permanent as well as outsourced employment.-

TIMESTECH : Why is there a lack of availability of skilled and trained people in the power sector?

RAVI : One of the reasons is lack of awareness among public about this sector. Sufficient initiatives are not being taken by the corporates for nominating their workforce for training in this sector. There is also an issue of non-assessment of the workforce after the training, due to which it cannot be ascertained/ categorised that who is qualified and who is not. People are employed asand, therefore, they get the work from the contractors and do not bother to get themselves trained. There is a need to create awareness about skilling in communities/industries.

TIMESTECH : How is PSSC helping in skilling human resources for the power industry?

RAVI : PSSC is creating a pool of skilled & trained manpower for power industries by imparting training in different job roles and various government schemes. PSSC has also developed a LMIS Job Portal through which job seekers and providers both are benefitted.

TIMESTECH : Why do you think skill development is the key to the transformation of the power sector?

RAVI : Energy is one of the drivers for any country’s economy, and if skilling ispower sector sections like generation, transmission and distribution will be affected. The efficient and reliable manpower for maintaining the power supply chain can be strengthened through skill development.

TIMESTECH : With the rise in automation and digitalization, what kind of new skillsets are needed in employees?

RAVI : With the rise in automation and digitalization, students will be made aware about the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) through training. Practical sessions for the above will be arranged to train them in a better way.

TIMESTECH : How is PSSC equipping people to work in an automated (or semi-automated) workplace?

RAVI : PSSC is training manpower through hands-on practices and keeping them equipped with all the latest techniques for smooth functioning of the network.

TIMESTECH : What are your plans to further grow the scope of PSSC?

RAVI : Development of new Qualification Packs (QPs) as per market demand is in process. Training will be provided to the candidates in the emerging sector like electric vehicle (EV) charging station. We expect to attract more trainees by increasing our engagement contractual/ outsourced workforce not properly done then different on social media accounts.