Matrix SATATYA SAMAS: For Better Management of Parking Spaces

Smart Parking Management System


It is statistically proven that parking contributes to 30 percent traffic woes in the cities. A common behaviour seen in vehicle owners is that they want to park their vehicle closest to their destination which leads to an increase in time spent cruising for empty parking spaces. The problem gets worsened by unauthorised and haphazard car parking leading to tension among the occupants.

Matrix SATATYA SAMAS brings a comprehensive Parking Management System that helps alleviate issues like haphazard parking, parking in restricted areas, unauthorised parking, and much more. SAMAS uses Intelligent video analytics, SAMAS proves to be the perfect Car Parking solution to put an end to all your parking woes.

Key Features:

  • Prevents Entry of Unauthorized Vehicles
  • Counts Vehicles to Highlight the Count of Parking Slots Available
  • Prevents Improper Parking to Eliminate Traffic Obstruction
  • Relays Real-Time Data on Premise Availability
  • Prevents Vehicles from Moving in Wrong Direction and Avert Accidents