Saera Auto bags Switch Delhi EV Awards for Li-ion-based vehicles sales


Saera Electric Auto Private Limited (SEAPL)’s dedicated efforts towards the production of high-quality and safe electric vehicles (EV) once again got recognized as the leading e-vehicle manufacturer and was declared runners-up of the Switch Delhi EV Awards. Saera was awarded in the category “OEM with the highest number of Li-ion-based e-rickshaw/e-cart sales in Delhi”.

Minister of Transport, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, Kailash Gahlot, handed over the certificate of appreciation and the award to Saera during the Delhi EV Forum held at the Indian Habitat Center, Lodhi Colony, New Delhi, on 22 August 2022. The forum was organized by the Government of NCT, in association with the Dialogue Development Commission of Delhi, and RMI India Foundation.

“It is a moment of colossal pride that our endeavor to boost the nation’s EV penetration has been recognized and appreciated by the government of NCT. This is a magnificent encouragement for us which will further fuel our efforts towards enabling clean mobility and make Delhi the EV capital of India,” said Managing Director of Saera Electric Auto Private Limited Nitin Kapoor.

The primary operation of Saera is assembling and manufacturing cleaner and greener electric L 3 category vehicles (e-rickshaw and e-cart loader) and electric 2W low-speed vehicles. Founded by the Father of e-rickshaw in India, Vijay Kapoor, SEAPL was the first company to introduce e-rickshaw in India with its brand Mayuri, which is the first to receive vehicle approval certificate ICAT from the International Center for Automobile Technology, Manesar. The company also manufactures popular low-speed e-scooters with the brand Yogo Bikes. All the electric vehicles manufactured by SEAPL are designed and assembled using cutting-edge technology in the industry.

“We registered a year-on-year growth of 205 percent, to reach 1460 million in FY 2021-22 from 477.4 million in FY 2020-21; thereby maintaining its position as one of the two top companies pan-India in the electric 3 wheeler segment. Soon, SEAPL will be expanding its growth with the launch of electric three-wheelers in the L5 category for both passengers and cargo,” mentioned Nitin Kapoor.