eBook from Qorvo, Mouser Explores Future in Automotive Design


Mouser Electronics has announced a new eBook in collaboration with Qorvo. It highlights the technological innovations reshaping automotive design. In The Future of Automotive, subject matter experts from Qorvo and Mouser offer rich, practical analyses of technologies including vehicle-to-everything (V2X) architectures, ultra-wideband (UWB) communications, and on-board chargers (OBC) for electric vehicles.

The automotive industry is currently experiencing a broad range of technological innovations. As automotive manufacturers invest in electric vehicle design, the way in which we power our vehicles is changing. At the same time, new technologies and components are enabling the design of the connected vehicle. These advanced automobiles contain more safety features than their predecessors. They also supporting a variety of new entertainment and information possibilities for those traveling as passengers. The Future of Automotive offers a detailed collection of articles exploring the products and solutions underpinning these innovations.

The eBook highlights product information for six specific Qorvo solutions, connecting automotive designers to the components. It will enable the next generation of automobile designs. The QPF1002Q Automotive Front End Module is optimized for cellular V2X systems, supporting real-time monitoring through low-latency direct transmission in the 5.9 GHz Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) band. Qorvo’s QPF1003Q Wi-Fi Front End Module is designed for multi-standard systems, supporting Wi-Fi infotainment in connected vehicles.

The eBook also features information on the QPQ2200Q 5855-5925 MHz RF BAW Filter. The QPQ2200Q filter enables the coexistence of Wi-Fi and LTE signals with a connected vehicle’s C-V2X/DSRC signals, supporting the array of simultaneous functions required for a next-generation automotive experience.

Qorvo’s portfolio of products, available from Mouser, includes amplifiers, drivers, transistors, and evaluation kits. To learn more about Qorvo, visit https://www.mouser.com/manufacturer/qorvo/.

To read the new eBook, go to https://www.mouser.com/news/qorvo-automotive-design/qorvo-future-automotive-ebook.html.