Rohde & Schwarz, Fraport evaluate first passenger walk-through scanner


Fraport started test operations for the world’s first walk-through security scanner for passengers at Frankfurt Airport. The R&S QPS Walk2000 from Rohde & Schwarz is intended to ensure a faster security check process. The first scanner of this type will be used in area A of Terminal 1. Passengers pass through the scanner at normal speed without stopping. The test and evaluation phase is scheduled to last up to six months and is intended to provide both Fraport and Rohde & Schwarz with important information for optimization over this period.

The R&S QPS Walk2000 is a 360° walk-through scanner that enables quick and non-contact checks on all types of objects. The scanner makes checking people more pleasant because the passenger no longer has to stand still for the scanning process, but rather slowly walks through the R&S QPS Walk2000 . In addition, the millimeter wave technology used also penetrates thicker outerwear, making e.g. B. taking off jackets will no longer be necessary. This is an important contribution to the comfort and privacy of the people being controlled.

AI-based detection software automatically identifies not only metallic but also non-metallic objects. The potential danger areas detected on the passenger are displayed precisely and in real time on a gender-neutral avatar. This means that follow-up inspections are rarely necessary. If so, they can be applied specifically to the alarm area instead of completely scanning the passenger.

The evaluation of the walk-through scanner at Frankfurt Airport carried out jointly by the Federal Police and Fraport is an example of the continued very good cooperation since Fraport began taking control of the aviation security checks: Fraport has the R&S QPS Walk2000procured and set up, the Federal Police is in charge of all safety-relevant tests and ultimately also gives approval for use in daily operations. The aim is to use walk-through scanners to offer passengers faster and more convenient security checks while maintaining a consistently high level of security. The checkpoint selected for the test phase is located in Schengen area A of Terminal 1. This area is particularly suitable for such a test due to the high number of passengers: an average of 15,000 passengers fly there every day.

The test phase at Frankfurt Airport aims to operate the R&S QPS Walk2000 in direct comparison with the already installed and proven R&S QPS201 scanners and to determine direct differences. The test, carried out in partnership, is intended to bring passenger screening in the transit process closer in quality to the very efficient controls of the R&S QPS201 .