ELCINA announces 48th ELCINA Awards 2022-23 winners for Electronics Excellence


The Electronic Industries Association of India (ELCINA) is proud to announce the winners of the prestigious ELCINA Awards 2022-23, recognizing outstanding achievements in the Electronics Manufacturing sector. Celebrating its 48th edition, these awards, presented by Electronica India, continue to acknowledge, and applaud the exceptional contributions of electronics and IT hardware manufacturing (ESDM) companies in India. This year, ELCINA received a staggering 84 entries, making it one of the most competitive editions in its history.

The ELCINA Awards are a legacy and well respected as a true measure of excellence. The Awards have sustained for last 48 years and continue to attract high participation every year. The Association leaders have ensured that due process is followed in selection with the objective of encouraging electronics companies to achieve the highest standards and compete worldwide in this highly competitive zero duty industry.

The Awards are supported by officials of Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India and CPCB, Ministry of Environment which lends immense weight to the initiative.

These awards recognize and honor excellence in various categories, including exports, quality, innovation, business excellence, research and development, sustainability, Startup and more. The winners are:


Large Scale

1st Prize: TDK India Private Limited, Kalyani

2nd Prize: Syrma SGS Technology Ltd., Chennai

2nd Prize: AT & S India Pvt. Ltd., Mysore


1st Prize: Parker Overseas Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad

2nd Prize: Sahasra Electronic Solutions Limited

Certificate of Merit: KWK Resistors India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Certificate of Merit: Sasmos HET Technologies Ltd., Bengaluru


Large Scale

1st Prize: Syrma SGS Technology Limited, Chennai

2nd Prize: AT & S India Pvt. Ltd., Mysore

Certificate of Merit: Molex India Private Limited, Bangalore

Certificate of Merit: Barco Electronic Systems Private Limited, Noida


1st Prize: XPRO India Limited, Bankura

2nd Prize: Vishay Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

Certificate of Merit: Avirata Defence Systems, Bangalore

Certificate of Merit: CII Guardian International Limited, Cochin


Large Category

1st Prize: AT & S India Private Limited, Mysore

2nd Prize: Molex India Private Limited, Bangalore (Electronic Connectors)

2nd Prize: Molex India Private Limited, Bangalore (Wiring Harness)

Certificate of Merit: SFO Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Cochin

Certificate of Merit: Syrma SGS Technology Limited, Chennai

SME Category

1st Prize: Elin Appliances Private Limited, Solan

Certificate of Merit: XPRO India Limited, Bankura


Large Category

1st Prize: Molex India Private Limited, Bangalore

2nd Prize: Varroc Engineering Limited, Pune

Certificate of Merit: Imagine Marketing Limited (boat), Mumbai


1st Prize: Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), New Delhi

2nd Prize: XPRO India Limited, Bankura

Certificate of Merit: MEL Systems and Services Limited, Chennai


Large Category

1st Prize: Continental Device India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

2nd Prize: Molex India Private Limited, Bangalore

Certificate of Merit: TDK India Private Limited, Kalyani


1st Prize: Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), New Delhi

2nd Prize: Vehant Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Noida

Certificate of Merit: XPRO India Limited, Bankura

Certificate of Merit: Einnosys Technologies LLP, Ahmedabad


Large Category

1st Prize: SFO Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Cochin

Special recognition for outstanding performance: CP PLUS (Aditya Infotech Ltd), Noida

2nd Prize: Continental Devices India Pvt. Ltd., Mohali

Certificate of Merit: Flextronics Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

SME Category

1st Prize: Sahasra Electronics Pvt Ltd, Noida

2nd Prize: XPRO India Ltd, Bankura


Large Category

1st Prize: AT & S India Pvt. Ltd., Mysore

2nd Prize: Epitome Components Pvt. Ltd., Ahmednagar

SME Category

1st Prize: Multiline Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Certificate of Merit: Sulakshana Circuits Limited, Hyderabad


1st Prize (EMS): Think Semi Infotech Private Limited, Chengalpattu

1st Prize (R&D): Silizium Circuits Private Limited, Telengana

2nd Prize (EMS): Coratia Technologies Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Odisha

2nd Prize (R&D): CoreData Networks Pvt. Ltd., Noida

Certificate of Merit (Woman Startup Award): Medblue Innovations Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow

ELCINA Special Jury Awards 2022-23

  • Outstanding Performance in Promoting ESDM Sector: Tamil Nadu Guidance Team – led by Thiru. V. Vishnu, IAS. Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Guidance
  • Exemplary Contribution to Development of Electronics Sector in India: India Semiconductor Mission Team led by Shri Amitesh Sinha, IRAS, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & IT
  • Exemplary Contribution to Development of Semiconductor Eco-System in India: Applied Materials India Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad
  • Outstanding Contribution to Technology & Value Chain Development for Electronics Manufacturing: MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, Chennai
  • Electronics Company of the Year: Kaynes Technology India Pvt. Ltd., Mysore
  • Electronics Man (Person) of the Year: Guruprasad Mudlapur – President Bosch Group in India and Managing Director Bosch Automotive Electronics India Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore

ELCINA extends hearty congratulations to all the winners for their exceptional contributions to the Electronics Manufacturing industry in India. These achievements serve as a testament to the industry’s excellence and serve as an inspiration for further innovation and growth.