Quantum Computing: an Introduction

By: Abhishek Verma, M.Sc. (Physics) final year student


Starting with quantum computing firstly talking about, What is quantum? In easy words a quantum is the smallest discrete of a phenomenon, for example a light has a quantum named photon and electricity has a quantum named electron. That smallest unit by which the any phenomenon starts to occur that is what a quantum means but what does quantum computing means?

Till now we are using digital computers and supercomputers, if you have knowledge about computers you will know how they work and what function they have, either if you don’t know in simple words it’s in your hand your mobile phone that is a computer in which today you are doing a lot of things like playing games, listening songs, using internet that are all functions of a computer. Taking deep inside all computers have chips in it, we all know that how the computer world has changed firstly when computers were made they were so big, pulleys, big machines are needed to operate them but as time changes we came to digital computers where screen has been built, we can see our work on screen, after that those chips became microchips things which was on the table start coming into our pockets the mobile phones nowadays many works which we can’t do on laptops or computers we can do them in our mobile phones. But what is this end? Nothing can be done? Ohhhh come on, we have lot of things running in our minds, The example is Richard Feynmann who thought about the quantum computers first who proposed that we can have much larger data than we have today which can’t be stored on supercomputers but if we try to compute ourselves on atoms, can you think an atom????? Isn’t is too small?? But we are doing it today not completely but somehow. Just think today’s world is on sillicon a semiconductor which is way too small but an atom?? There is no comparison in size right? Still a question, What is quantum computing and quantum computer?

Basically, if we talk about the figure that’s so complicated that’s not a whole quantum computer it’s just a chip, we are talking about on this all the actions will be performed or activities will be done like in today’s world which are done on silicon as a semiconductor. There can be many applications many of them are unknown but those which are knowns are pharmaceuticals, making of drugs, cybersecurity and many more.

How would a quantum computer perform?

A supercomputer which performs on bits which are 0 and 1, which means it is on a binary perform. In our systems all the keys and the command which we give to the computer are in terms of a bit like the alphabet a has a bit 01000001 like this all alphabets and numbers have bits from which a computer understand our command or in easier way it’s a translator between us and computers but they are only two values or I can say it is up to a limit that it can be either 0 or 1 means it has limitations but if we talk about quantum computers it performs on qubits, till now we are having a value either 0 or 1  but in a qubit it can have both values at the same time, how?? Here comes a new term superposition, superposition of both the values 0 and 1 means at the same time a qubit can have both the values in superposition if we try to right it in a wave function way it will be

It means that till now we were restricted that we can get only one output but now we can get multiple outputs at a same time, isn’t this cool? I will write an article on comparison of bits and qubit but till now we have to understand that a qubit can have many values at single time.                                                         

Let’s understand qubit through an example, suppose we have 4 bits (0110) it can make total of 16 combinations, if we talk about normal computers it will use only one combination at a time but if we talk about a quantum computer it’s qubit will give all the 16 combinations at the same and we can take any of the desired result, conclusion is it is a game of probability and yes quantum relates with this.

A one qubit can give information of two events at the time, two qubits can give information of four, three of eight they are increasing exponentially so approx. millions of qubits which is not a big number can give information of whole universe?? The answer is yes. Till now world’s largest qubits quantum computer is made by IBM.

Criteria to run a quantum computer

All these super advanced functions if to be done there will lot of heat will be released which can burn the system and on normal temperatures a quantum will not work so a temperature of absolute zero which is 0k is required to operate which is not easy but has been done by our laboratories where the work on quantum computers are done, for us to use it till now it is not possible because maintaining that temperature around is not feasible so we can use it on clouds only on the site of IBM you can use the quantum computing on qiskit which is an IDLE for qubits where programs run. Google is also making quantum computers in which Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google had stated than on next 5 to 10 years quantum computers will give a revolution on the whole world whereas in India there is no work started on development of quantum computers. Due to a large amount of heat released it is impossible to run a quantum computer at a normal temperature it can only be done at absolute zero.