Aerotech Automation1 2.7 Enhanced Laser Scan Head Controls, Upgrades


Aerotech Inc., a leader in precision motion control and automation, recently released a new version of the Automation1 motion control platform. Version 2.7 introduces fresh software updates and more support for drives and laser scan heads, including 3D data visualization, new HMI customization tools, improved development tools and Enhanced Scanner Control (ESC), a feature that allows laser scan head users to achieve higher peak speeds and throughput.

“Every Automation1 release is designed to help users take control of their precision motion as easily as possible,” said Patrick Wheeler, senior product manager at Aerotech. “Version 2.7 is particularly robust, making setup and configuration easier while also providing more hardware support.”

Key updates in the Automation1 2.7 include:

  • 3D Data Visualization. The Automation1 Studio Data Visualizer tool now allows users to plot their motion in three dimensions (3D). Users can inspect 3D data with intuitive panning, scaling and cursor controls and add context to 3D data by viewing it concurrently with single-dimensional time-trace plots. 
  • Custom Modules. Users can customize HMIs more than ever with the Automation1 MachineApps HMI builder for Windows PCs. With the new Custom Module tool, they can develop HMI modules using .NET. These modules can be used with standard modules on any HMI screen designed with MachineApps. 
  • Improved Development Tools. Users can develop faster with Autmation1 Studio’s new program variables tab and global string variable support, which allow program variables and global string variables to be inspected as the user builds, optimizes and debugs application code. 
  • Custom Belt-Driven Stages. Motus 1 belt-driven stage support is now in the machine setup wizard, with 95mm, 125mm and 170mm frame size options. These stages are unique in that they maximize payload and actuator speed, making them ideal for pick and place, part shuttling and gantry applications. These are in stock with Aerotech’s partner Motion Plus and available for quick shipping.
  • Enhanced Scanner Control (ESC). This feature is advantageous to our laser scanhead customers. ESC enables our industry-leading scan heads to settle and accelerate faster, which leads to higher velocity motion. It also eliminates the need for “jump delays” and decreases tracking errors.
  • Additional Improvements Include: Cutter offset compensation support, new task variables, INI file support, Modbus TCP/IP for drive-based controllers, an improved configure signals dialog, user-defined task errors & warnings, CNC features for MachineApps HMIs, improved sidebar modules, and Aeroscript and help improvements.