Toray Opens Advanced Semiconductor Tech and Materials R&D Center in Taiwan


Toray Industries, announced that it has opened  the Toray Taiwan Technical Center. The new facility will reinforce R&D in advanced semiconductor technologies and materials and provide technical services in the Taiwan market, which is becoming increasingly important in the global semiconductor supply chain

The Toray Group operates globally, providing a range of semiconductor, electronic  component, and display solutions, including for materials used directly in products,  materials for manufacturing processes, offerings for water and air purification infrastructure,  manufacturing and inspection equipment, and analytical services. The group is pushing  ahead with efforts that harness its comprehensive strengths in the key semiconductor  market, which is expanding by 10% annually. 

Taiwan is the world’s biggest semiconductor manufacturer and is an advanced  semiconductor technology leader. Its government announced that it will invest NT$300  billion (around ¥1.4 trillion) in the semiconductor industry over 10 years through 2033. It  also looks to foster the semiconductor industry’s development by establishing research  academies at major universities for key areas such as semiconductors. Taiwan is already  developing next-generation semiconductors, including by employing such high-density and  high-performance technologies as heterogeneous chip integration and 3D stacking, as well  as optoelectronic fusion technology. 

It is against this backdrop that Toray began collaborating with influential local companies in  Taiwan. It is developing and marketing such new products such as film materials, including  mold release films for advanced packaging, multicore optical fiber for optoelectronic fusion related technologies, and high urea removal reverse osmosis membranes for wastewater  reuse infrastructure products. The Toray Taiwan Technical Center will enable the company  to step up collaboration with research institutions and universities. The facility will work  with local Toray group companies to develop advanced semiconductor-related technologies  and materials while cultivating developing technologies, products, and technical services  that match local customer needs. 

Under Project AP-G 2025, its medium-term management program, Toray positioned its  Digital Innovation (DI) business as a growth area. This business includes materials, Semiconductor Tech  equipment, technology and services that enhance convenience and productivity through  digital technology penetration. The company is expanding this business by fostering cross sectional collaboration within the group and by establishing barriers to entry. It will leverage  the new center to accelerate product development and business expansion so it can  capitalize on changes and challenges in the semiconductor field.

Toray will continue to pioneer research that meets local needs through nine research centers across Japan and 24 R&D bases overseas, creating new value that contributes to social prosperity by driving innovation in growth fields. 

Overview of Toray Taiwan Technical Center 

  • 1. Launch: March 2025 
  • 2. Locations: Songshan District, Taipei, and Zhubei, Hsinchu County 
  • 3. Focuses: R&D in semiconductor-related technology and materials and technical services 


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