DEN is first US Airport to Demonstrate the R&S QPS201 High Performance AIT from Rohde & Schwarz

The Rohde & Schwarz R&SQPS201 was deployed at DEN to evaluate new people screening and advanced security technology solutions to support TSA’s security mission and improve the passenger security experience.


23 March, 2019 – Rohde & Schwarz, a world leader for innovative communications, information and security products for professional users, announced today its latest TSA-certified advanced checkpoint scanner, the Rohde & Schwarz R&S QPS201, was purchased by Denver International Airport (DEN) and deployed to demonstrate next generation security technology. The unit has been operational at DEN since mid-December.

“We are pleased to partner with Denver International Airport, TSA and the agency’s Innovation Task Force to demonstrate our R&S QPS201 high performance people screening system,” said Scott Bausback, President and CEO of Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc. “We applaud DEN’s leadership and commitment to identifying new advanced security technology to transform the passenger security screening experience and support TSA’s demonstration of capabilities to meet the demands of security checkpoint operations.”

Deployed globally since 2015, R&S QPS scanners are flat panel solid-state millimeter wave imaging systems that safely and rapidly screen people at security checkpoints. The R&S QPS 201 has achieved TSA and European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) detection certifications. TSA certification validates that the R&S QPS201 meets TSA’s stringent aviation security detection requirements. The R&S QPS201 security scanner delivers high-performance security screening using safe, millimeter wave radio frequency technology to rapidly and accurately screen passengers automatically for concealed threats.

For more information, please visit the QPS Learning Center