A.R.T. to Showcase IPC-Certified Electronics Assembly Training

June 11th – 13th, Hall 4 227, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, Germany,


Advanced Rework Technology Ltd (A.R.T.), the leading independent provider of IPC-certified and bespoke training services for the electronics assembly industry, will exhibit at the SMTconnect exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, June 11th – 13th, on the What’s New in Electronics pavilion, Hall 4 227.

Comments A.R.T.’s Managing Director and Master IPC trainer Debbie Wade: “SMTconnect is an international  meeting place for all areas of electronics manufacturing within microelectronics, including all contract manufacturing. Many of the themes of the show align with our views on the development of excellence in electronics production, and we are looking forward to meeting old and new friends within our industry.”

At the event, A.R.T. will be available to discuss new changes to IPC standards for electronics manufacture. It will also present new ways to combat the skills shortage which is currently afflicting electronics manufacturing worldwide.

A.R.T.’s electronics assembly  courses can be tailored to meet the precise requirements of customers. It is also one of a small number of fully-accredited IPC certification centres worldwide that can offer certified IPC training to all programs including Space and Military Addendums, to all IPC standards. A.R.T. also offers consultancy, inspection plans, materials/processes and auditing services.