Aaronia, will be presenting suitable solutions for all measurement tasks in the field of critical communications at the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) in Las Vegas. From March 17 – 20, the experts for mission-critical and business-critical communications will meet at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Aaronia will be showcasing the latest signal analysis solutions based on the SPECTRAN V6 USB real-time spectrum analyzer at booth 1423 in the Expo Hall.
The analysis of communication radio channels in the complete frequency range from 27MHz to 7.125GHz as well as the investigation of satellite communication in the X-band and Ku-band is of crucial importance. With the increasing use of these frequency bands for broadband applications, especially in wireless communication and satellite services, new challenges arise in the area of spectrum monitoring and signal direction finding. Only with a comprehensive overview based on reliable and detailed information can the optimal use of the available frequencies be ensured. Spectrum dominance on the highest level!

In particular, the frequency range from 6 GHz to 7.125 GHz, which is increasingly being used for the expansion of 5G and Wi-Fi 6E, can only be analyzed by a few solutions to date. Precise spectrum analysis is required here in particular in order to identify sources of interference and ensure signal quality. This is because different technologies coexist in this band, making interference a key challenge. The analyzers in the SPECTRAN V6 PLUS series with an RTBW (Real-Time Bandwidth) of 245 MHz enable seamless streaming of IQ data, which is unique in this bandwidth. If required, an RTBW with the enormous bandwidth of 490MHz can also be realized, an option that is otherwise only available on extremely expensive devices. This means that intermittent or short-lived signals that are difficult to detect with conventional methods can be made visible without any problems.
Over 3THz/s sweep speed
Another area of application is in satellite communication. In the X-band, which is used for military and commercial applications, and in the Ku-band, which is important for satellite internet and broadcasting services, precise analyses are essential to ensure high availability and signal quality. The use of USB real-time spectrum analyzers allows a detailed examination of the signals for interference, modulation quality and bandwidth efficiency. Particularly with high-frequency signals in the 18 GHz range, environmental influences, atmospheric attenuation and multipath effects pose additional challenges that require continuous monitoring and analysis. The SPECTRAN V6 ECO series is predestined for measurements in these areas. The SPECTRAN V6 ECO variants V6-100XA-18, V6-150XA-18 have a frequency range up to 18GHz and an RTBW of > 50MHz. In addition, the already impressive standard sweep speed of around 500GHz/s can be increased to over 3THz/s via a single USB 3.1 port using a software license.

One of the biggest challenges in spectrum monitoring and direction finding in high-frequency areas is the detection and classification of signal sources in dense and dynamic electromagnetic environments. Since many systems work simultaneously, modern algorithms for signal detection and separation are required. In addition, the localization of interference sources in urban and industrial areas is complex due to reflections and shadowing by building structures. The combination of real-time spectrum analysis with geo-referenced measurements and AI-supported analysis tools can help to identify and eliminate sources of interference more efficiently.

Signal analysis in the microwave range
In addition to the real-time spectrum analyzers listed above, devices from the SPECTRAN V6 Explorer series with waveguide technology can be used here. The devices have been specially developed for microwave applications in the range above 50 GHz. The frequency range depends on the model and extends from 50GHz to 140GHz. A real-time bandwidth of 490MHz or sweep speeds of up to 3,000GHz/s are possible. Features that are particularly essential for signal analysis in satellite links or for monitoring military communication systems. Here, precise measurements are required to identify frequency overlaps, signal distortions and unauthorized use.
Visit us at IWCE in Las Vegas at booth 1423 and experience how the Aaronia SPECTRAN V6 series USB real-time spectrum analyzers improve control over communication infrastructures and enable flexible on-site analysis.