Aaronia Unveils SPECTRAN V6-Explorer Setting New Standards in Microwave at EuMW 2024


Over 4,000 trade visitors from all over the world came to Europe’s leading trade fair for RF, microwaves, radar and wireless to find out about the latest trends and  products. One of the highlights was the USB real-time spectrum analyzer of the SPECTRAN V6 series with waveguide technology at the Aaronia AG booth. 

From September 24 ,26 the world market leader from Germany presented its latest products for real-time spectrum analysis, including matching accessories, at the Paris Congress Center. The brand new SPECTRAN V6 XPR series attracted particular interest. Equipped with waveguide connections, the performance surprised the audience. 

The SPECTRAN V6 Xplorer sets a new benchmark with measurements up to 140GHz and still offers  the advantages of low-cost USB devices. With a real-time bandwidth of up to 490MHz and a sweep speed  of 3THz/s, the real-time spectrum analyzer is the new reference in terms of speed. Equipped with 

waveguide connections, it allows measurements in the millimeter wave range that are not possible with  conventional cables. 

Aaronia AG‘s new analyzer series opens up completely new possibilities, particularly in the automotive  sector. With the SPECTRAN V6 real-time spectrum analyzers with waveguide technology, for example,  the high-frequency and rapidly changing electromagnetic waves from radar sensors can be  reliably analyzed and evaluated. The SPECTRAN V6 PLUS XPR 250XB-WR12, for example, offers 10dB  NF at 77GHz. This makes it the perfect choice for radar measurements of this type (76GHz to 81GHz). In  addition, these new devices represent an attractively priced solution. The waveguide connection allows  you to connect your own amplifier and splitter systems to the real-time spectrum analyzers from Aaronia  AG, with the waveguides that will be available in the future. 

For Thorsten Chmielus, Managing Director of Aaronia AG, EuMW 2024 was a complete success. “The  exceptionally good response from trade visitors to our new Waveguide series shows that we are on the  right track. We will be expanding the product range in the coming months. In order to be able to respond  as flexibly as possible to the requirements of engineers and measurement technicians, the real-time  spectrum analyzers with Waveguide technology will also be individually configurable in addition to the standard equipment.”