Anritsu, Artiza Networks Collaborating with Open RAN Test Solution


Anritsu Corporation and Artiza Networks have agreed to collaborate on an Open RAN test solution. The concept uses open specifications for network interfaces to facilitate expanded services through multi-vendor sourcing, cost-reducing, and rollout of AI applications, as well as to create a new ecosystem as a long-term driver generating business opportunities. Mobile network operators and equipment vendors are pushing forward with Open RAN testing and introduction led by promotion groups, including the O-RAN ALLIANCE.

Outline of Anritsu and Artiza Networks test Solutions

This collaboration combines Anritsu’s wireless test solutions for PHY-layer measurements, such as signal analyzers and signal generators, with Artiza Networks’ base station/network load test solutions for upper layers to offer high-level, wide-ranging solutions to issues faced.
Anritsu will contribute to the growth with customers and partners in global.