Anritsu VectorStar Analyzer Option Simplify Components Testing


Anritsu VectorStar vector network analyzer (VNA) family has added comprehensive spectrum analysis capability (Option 049) to create the World’s first single sweep VNA-spectrum analyzer solution that supports from 70 kHz up to 220 GHz.

Some key advantages with the spectrum analyzer option installed in VectorStar:

  • Single connectionforVNA-based(S-parameters, frequency & time domain)andspectrum-based(spectral domain, harmonics, spurious, distortion, frequency contents) measurements
  • Efficient test environment, without needs of disconnect and reconnect to different instruments (e.g., Signal Generator, Spectrum Analyzer) to verify active and passive devices, especially for applications involving mixers and amplifiers, including those with multiple outputs, or input-output comparisons
  • Ideal for on-wafer measurements, reducing errors and needs of mounting and demounting of on-wafer devices.
  • Reduce test time with single sweep from 70 kHz up to 220 GHz
  • Save costs and space on number of instruments and external accessories (coupler, dividers, adapters, cables etc.) needed.

To fully utilize the benefits of Spectrum Analysis feature, users can make use of VectorStar VNA source as a stimulus (CW) to generate signal into DUT input port and connect DUT output port to VNA other ports as a receiver for scalar measurements.

Since VectorStar support multiple test ports, it is possible to use them to deliver multi-channel spectrum analysis. Spectrum analysis is also supported on VectorStar broadband and banded solution (ME7838 Series), including millimeter (mmWave) modules.

Two measurement modes are available in the spectrum analyzer option. The standard VNA mode supports point-based spectrum analysis for faster measurements, making it well suited for known signal analysis. For unknown signal analysis, switching to traditional sweep-based spectrum analyzer mode would be a suitable choice to cover the full range in detail.