Artificial Intelligence will take over first Jobs


How safe do you think you could compete with an automated rival? While the advancement of technology has brought us a myriad of benefits, we’re treading ever closer to the worrying reality of AI (artificial intelligence) taking over.

A recent study from RS Pro found a number of sectors were at serious risk of robotic replacement. The workers who arguably have the most to worry about hail from the transportation and storage industry. These employees could lose an estimated 56% of their jobs in the next decade, all thanks to the presence of increasingly successful AIs.

But they aren’t the only ones potentially on the chopping block. Some of the other professions which might be at risk include:

    • Manufacturing (46% of jobs)
    • Wholesale retail and trade (44% of jobs)
    • Administrative and support services (37% of jobs)

Worried about your role? While these jobs aren’t expected to be under real peril until 2030, it might be a good time to start coming up with a back-up plan now. Find out more about the roles which are under threat by checking out the infographic below.