PHOENIX – Avnet’s new heatsink for the AMD-Xilinx Kria K26 adaptive system on modules (SOMs) is the only off-the-shelf solution specifically designed for these SOMs and it is available now.
Avnet’s heatsink mounts directly to the heat spreader plate that comes standard on the K26 SOM. This solution is “turnkey” as it includes the mounting hardware as well as the interface “gap” material preinstalled on the heat sink.
“The AMD-Xilinx K26 SOM simplifies the power and thermal design for advanced SPC applications allowing for quicker and easier deployment,” said Brian Philofsky, Principal Engineer Power/Thermal at AMD. “With the K26 SOM plug and play support with the Avnet heatsink solution, thermal design can be completed in minutes, compared to weeks or even months with more traditional design, allowing greater focus on the application development.”
The Avnet heatsink for Kria K26 is designed to provide passive relief for designs up to 10W at room temperature (approximately 26C) applications. It was designed with flexibility in mind, providing mounting holes in the heat sink that enable the addition of a standard 50x50mm fan.
Adding a fan to the heatsink solution dramatically drives down the thermal impedance to less than 1.5 C/W. “Everything in engineering is a tradeoff, we wanted to provide a way for customers to work with a completely passive solution with a migration path to a more efficient solution if needed. There is a lot to like about a fully passive solution that doesn’t introduce audible noise and potential mechanical reliability issues,” said Chris Ammann, Global Technical Marketing program manager, Avnet. “With our design, engineers can evaluate their power dissipation and environmental constraints and decide for themselves if they feel a fan is required. If they need to add one, they can easily do so without having to make radical changes to their design.”
The heatsink, part number AES-ACC-KRIA-HSINK, is available for U.S. $17.23/unit for 100 units. Pricing for higher production volumes can be obtained by contacting Avnet. For more information visit: