CERN Chooses Danisense DM1200 DCCT for North Area Renovation


For a for technical facelift and renovation program of its North Area (NA), CERN has selected the DM1200 zero-flux DC current transducer (DCCT) from Danisense, the leader in high-accuracy current sense transducers for demanding applications, for use in the CERN-designed POLARIS power converters. 

Comments Miguel Cerqueira Bastos, Section Leader in the Electrical Power Converter group at CERN: “The DM1200 is a current output DCCT and, as such, it provides a current signal proportional to the measured current, which in this case is the output current of the POLARIS power converter. We convert the output current from the DCCT into a voltage signal, then digitize it, and use it in a digital current loop to precisely control the current in the magnets of the NA experimental lines.” Based on Danisense’s ultra stable closed loop flux gate technology, the DM1200 current transducer benefits from very low offset and ultra low drift. The device was successfully evaluated by CERN for use with DC currents up to 2kA with a linearity error less than 1 ppm. With its specific design it provides high resolution for precise monitoring, reliable and consistent performance, and ruggedness for durability.

Danisense’s DM1200 DCCT has been chosen for the new POLARIS power converter series because of its excellent balance between performance and cost at primary currents as high as 2kA.

DANISENSE: Precision – Innovation

By combining complex magnetic performance with advanced electronics Danisense provides efficient and precise solutions that match the requirements of worldwide customers in demanding industries. Danisense was founded in 2012 and today is based in Denmark and Japan. The company’s founders and key employees are highly-experienced and possess specialized knowledge about high precision current transducers, enabling Danisense to create solutions that enable its customers to quickly and easy measure AC and DC currents with accuracies down to 1ppm. Its products are of the highest quality and have an extremely flat frequency response and outstanding DC stability.