Common data breaches & its effect on businesses during festive season


Cyber-attacks and data breaches on businesses often rise around the festive season. Firms that keep data may have to deal with high and long-term costs and consequences when breached. As online shopping increases rapidly, cybercriminals can target businesses and their customers through phishing scams with fake deals and discounts, thus making them more vulnerable than ever during festivals. Organizations must be mindful of the data breaches and attacks that tend to happen more during the festive season. This article will examine the most prevalent data breaches and how they affect the businesses shared by Arete Incident Response. Arete is helping businesses and governments manage cyber risks.

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is an unexpected notification indicating that a computer or phone is compromised. The threat actors will demand to pay the price to let you take control of your systems and keep it from being made public in this situation. The ransom demands might range from insignificant to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many businesses use risk management solution providers to prevent the leak or deletion of crucial or compromising information over the festive season, which tends to happen more frequently.

Unintentional exposure

It’s worth analyzing what the scenarios have in common for firms wanting to avoid the consequences of a data breach. Most businesses undoubtedly think their security measures and operational practices are sufficient to prevent network breaches and unintentional data exposure. Regarding this, some people are correct, while many others are mistaken. Considering how frequently networks are breached today, it seems more likely. If you’re mistaken, a zero-trust strategy might lessen the likelihood of a data disaster.

Malware or Virus

People may receive viruses or malware to wipe their computers. Any business might suffer from this, but companies that rely heavily on data may be particularly affected. During the festive season, there is an upward surge in information related to online purchases, which may lead to a highly catastrophic situation and possibly the loss of much of the information related to payment fraud. Some businesses that ask for emails from customers or potential customers may instruct them to include everything in the email body rather than as an attachment. Consequently, they cannot unintentionally click on anything that would delete data on the server.

Phishing Attacks

Third-party hackers design websites that appear quite authentic before launching phishing attacks. For instance, they may create a website replica of the organization’s website and need the users to log in to make a necessary modification. Once the user checks in, they’ll discover that they’ve unintentionally shared their password with someone else rather than just signing in to their account. The hacker will then access their login information and use it in whatever they choose. Any sensitive information a business may have could be compromised in a phishing attack.

Summing up

As per a report, over half of Indians (53.3%) face more cyberattacks during festive seasons than on regular days. Yet only a quarter (27.5%) use online security solutions to safeguard themselves. Businesses must consequently protect their information and networks against such break-ins, which may cost a lot. In order to prevent such assaults, they should strengthen their security strategy and educate clients on how to protect themselves. Arete’s incident response and managed security services combine technical experience and advanced technologies with a data-driven strategy to assist organizations in recovering from a cyber-attack and reducing the risk of subsequent attacks.