Comviva Named Tier 1 SMS Firewall Vendor in ROCCO SMS Firewall Performance Report 2020


New Delhi, India – 09 July 2020: Comviva, a global leader in mobility solutions has been named as Tier 1 SMS Firewall Vendor in the recent ROCCO SMS Firewall Performance Report, basis an annual survey of 131 MNOs across 92 countries taking part in this unique consumer-led research. The report reflects how SMS Firewall providers are perceived by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) across performance criteria, which are fundamental to the delivery of SMS Firewall service. Comviva received an overall rating of 4.02 out of 5.

Comviva has been listed amongst the top five ranked vendors (out of the 18 vendors), based on various performance criteria, like reliability, customer service, technical expertise, reputation, value for money,  value-added services, quality of service, transparency and flexibility.

ROCCO has been called the Michelin of the telecoms industry in that it facilitates the rating of Vendors to understand the quality of vendors and the market leaders. However, ROCCO does not judge the Vendors directly but facilitates MNOs in rating them and giving opinions across the wider Vendor base, creating a community for information and advice exchange on specific important Vendor decisions.

Comviva’s Messaging Firewall is a comprehensive network and content-based security solution. It enables operators to effectively monetize their application-to-person (A2P) traffic and safeguard subscribers against the misuse of mobile. The Messaging Firewall also safeguards against spam and fraud, arrests revenue leakage, and reduces operational effort for telecom providers. In addition to providing the platform, Comviva also offers capabilities pertaining to business consulting and operations. This is designed to ensure that the platform is operated, configured, and updated with global intelligence at all times.

Deshbandhu Bansal, chief operating officer, Messaging Solutions at Comviva said, “We are thrilled to be listed as Tier one vendor in this SMS Annual Firewall benchmarking Survey, which is the only messaging focused report in the world. We are proud that our messaging solutions today cater to over 1 billion subscribers across geographies. This is a great testimony for our messaging offerings as our MNO customers have rated us high for our strong performance and leadership across all parameters.”

Jason Bryan, Founder and Chairman of the Rocco Group said, “Investing in Vendors always takes a great effort, MNOs need to make RFP, RFQ and selection processes which take time and energy away from monetisation of SMS. This report aims to offer advice from other MNOs which might help MNOs not yet decided on which Vendor to choose. Congratulations to Comviva for being one of the most admired vendors in this space.”

Comviva was also featured as a key vendor in ROCCO A2P SMS Messaging Vendor Performance Report 2019.

To access the excerpts from the ROCCO SMS Firewall Performance Report 2020, please click here – CLICK