DOT Secretary Shri Anshu Prakash Inaugurates an Online Certification Course on 5G Technology


Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary, Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and Chairman Digital Communications Commission inaugurated today an online certification course on 5G Technology for Government Officers via Video Conferencing.The inaugural session was also addressed by Shri Bharat Kumar Jog, Member (Services), Digital Communications Commission and Sh. U.K. Srivastava, Senior Deputy Director General and Head of NTIPRIT and other senior government officials.

National Telecommunications Institute for Policy Research, Innovation and Training (NTIPRIT), the premier training institute of Department of Telecommunications, Government of India is conducting the first of its kind 36-hour (12 week) online 5G Certification Course to train and certify Officers of Government of India. To start with, this 36-hour certificate course on 5G has been made available to Officers of Department of Telecommunications with the first batch starting from 9th March 2021 which later on, would be offered to other stakeholders also.

While formally launching the 5G certification course, Shri Anshu Prakash, Union Telecom Secretary and Chairman Digital Communications Commission congratulated NTIPRIT on launch of this course and said that this course would act as a capsule programme for learning overall 5G technology from the perspective of Policy making. Secretary (Telecom) highlighted the importance of exploiting the potential of 5G to the full and making possibilities like Machine-to-Machine Communications, Internet of Things a reality. For that, he stressed on having a team of Master Trainers, 5G Security experts etc. within DOT who will formulate roadmap for education and awareness in 5G technology in India and also identify lacunae in existing legislations with the coming of 5G technology.

Secretary (Telecom) also directed NTIPRIT to come up with such training programmes for Officers of other Departments/ Ministries of Government of India in future.

Member (Services), Digital Communications Commission in his address congratulated NTIPRIT for launching the 5G certification course for Officers of Government of India and stressed on design, development and conduction of similar capacity building programmes on 5G use cases for Other Central and State Government officials. 


National Telecommunications Institute for Policy Research Innovation and Training (NTIPRIT) is the premier training institute of Department of Telecommunications involved in conduction of induction Training for probationary officers of Indian Telecommunication Service Group – A (ITS Group A) recruited through All India based Engineering Services Examination. Apart from Induction Training, NTIPRIT also conducts various In-Service Trainings, Management Development Programmes, Regional and International Trainings, Capacity Building workshops for Officers of Government of India in various aspects of Information and Communication Technology Administration in India.