element14 Launched Thermal Switches Design Challenge

Community members are invited to put their thermal switch knowledge to the test


Bangalore, India : element14, an Avnet Community, is hosting a design challenge around thermal switches (also called thermal sensors) to celebrate the new generation of temperature sensors that deliver greater accuracy, faster response times, and better stability. Participants will be given a kit of thermal switches and encouraged to experiment with their uses, applications, responses, and more.

“Traditional, bimetallic thermal switches have been a mainstay for the design of thermostatic temperature controls and over-temperature protection for years,” said Dianne Kibbey, Global Head of Community and Social Media for the element14 Community. “With this latest design challenge, we’re looking forward to seeing how our community members test out the latest thermal technology and get creative with what they can use these elements to build.”

Applications are now open to become one of the 10 sponsored challengers who will receive a free Thermorite thermal switch kit, consisting of 15 different types of switches plus a Multicomp Pro IR thermometer. The sponsored challengers will be announced on January 7, 2022.

Participants will have just over 8 weeks to complete their tests and experiments and submit a minimum of 2 blog posts covering their development process. The first blog post should be an introductory post that explains what experiments are planned and is due by January 21, 2022. The second blog post should share the results of the experiments using images, screen captures, videos, tables, charts, and anything else to illustrate the results in a captivating way. This blog post should also share anything that was discovered about thermal switches as part of this process and is due by March 14, 2022.

Winners will be announced on March 21, 2022. The Grand prize winner will receive a Digital Oscilloscope, InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series or Legion 5 Gen 6 AMD (17″) with RTX 3050 Laptop. The Runner Up will receive a SideTrak Axis Triple Portable Monitor for Laptop or Apple iPad Mini. All other finishers will receive a Multicomp Pro Pdf Data Logger as a finisher prize.