Extended Temperature Ratings Give Longer Life With Dense Packed Power Relays


Omron Electronic Components Europe has addressed the need for denser packed onboard relays with the introduction of higher temperature relays that provide Class-F coil insulation.

Extending the G5NB-1A4-EL-HA from Class B to Class F, the G5NB-1A4-EL-HA-CF type provides 5A switching from -40℃ to 105℃ PCB in a fully sealed power relay. The new relays allow a higher density of parts by operating at higher temperatures than their predecessors. 

Fully sealed, the G5NB-1A4-EL-HA-CF type relays ensure a longer lifetime in environments up to 85℃. Alternatively, they can deliver the same lifetime as existing G5NB-E relays in considerably harsher temperature environments. 

VDE approval standards rate the Class F relay up to 50Kops at 105℃ and up to 100Kops at 85℃.

Applications range from HVAC and heat pumps, through domestic cooking equipment, washing machines and refrigerators, to industrial devices such as PLCs, I/O terminals and temperature controllers.

The new G5NB-EL-CF relays are available now from authorised distributors and stockists throughout the UK and Europe.

About OMRON Electronic Components Europe

On 1 April 2022, OMRON Corporation announced that its’ Electromechanical Components (EMC) division was renamed as OMRON Device and Module Solutions (DMS) in line with the global long-term vision ″Shaping the Future 2030.” 

OMRON Electronic Components Europe is the European subsidiary of the Device and Module Solutions division. 

The revised division name reflects a new focus on delivering solutions to customers globally and in Europe. Society is facing new social and environmental changes, and OMRON recognises and is responding to that. The company aims to offer its’ customers solutions that help them address these universal challenges. In accordance with the long-term strategy, OMRON intends to contribute further to the roll-out of new energy sources and of high-speed communications by enabling the creation of sturdier, advanced and more efficient devices. These devices will make people’s lives easier and better, in particular by achieving carbon neutrality, realizing a digital society and extending healthy life expectancy. 

OMRON Electronic Components Europe strongly supports its customers in Western and Eastern Europe through 8 regional offices, a network of local offices and partnerships with specialist, local, regional and global distributors.