Functional Model for Skill Development


Strategic implementation of CoEs is needed in every state in a phased manner over 5 years in order to ensure an effective outcome in skill development. The implementation agency needs to opt for Hub and Spoke model to implement CoEs for networking the complete demography of the state. This can be done by strategically setting up these centres at the key nodal points where learners can easily move from adjoining areas for the skill training offered at these centres. This model can substantially support the capacity building of industry-ready skilled manpower without compromising the quality of the program run at these centres. A Hub is a nodal centre to facilitate technical infrastructure and training facilities for its learners and the learners mobilized at spokes attached to it. A Hub will support spoke with Domain trainers and Master trainers who have the requisite experience in the industry to provide hands-on experience to the learners. These trainers shall be actively moving to connected spokes as per training roasters set from them to facilitate training on the preset schedules. The spoke will majorly focus on the mobilization of learners and executing this training with the support of Hub. Spoke shall be functioning within their pre-defined demographic limits. Remote access arrangement and plug-n-play arrangements of hardware and software will be made available at the spoke so as to cater to the training needs as per the requirements of the skill program. Both Hub and Spoke will have training classroom infrastructure to support the training and hands-on at either location. 

Hub and spoke both can be set up at an independent centre/govt. institution / private institution/industry etc. as per the potential of location and availability of the logistics and connectivity.

The selection of the location of these nodal points (Hubs and Spokes) is based on the parameters below:

  1. Profile of Industries and Academic institutions in that demography
  2. Skill level of learners in institutions and other centres in a specific domain 
  3. Availability of other facilities for supporting learning and development
  4. Easy availability of transportation

The selection of CoE infrastructure at a particular nodal point is based on: 

  1. Skills required in industries in that demography
  2. The interest of students in career progression
  3. Technological skills required in Industry 4.0 for the development of the region

Following records should be considered for the selection of location:

  1. Surveys in the region engaging Institutions and Industries
  2. Important Industry and Academia connects for developing an effective hub and spoke model
  3. Mapping industries and their requirements studied by industry engagement and analysing of their core competencies
  4. Number of students and working professionals for training in a particular region
  5. Industries, Institutions and learner ability & aspirations through sample interactions.
  6. Active MoUs of the technical institutions and the industries for training and sharing the industrial requirements
  7. Local facilities and infrastructure are available in the region.

Common and innovative points from these collected data are collated and analysed for deciding CoEs implementation at a particular location. The curriculum and course structure is mapped with Industries, academic institutions and learners for a 360 degree integrated model.

Once the locations are selected, designing solutions and interventions are important for the smooth functioning of the CoE. The following aspects are necessary while designing solutions and interventions:

  1. The facilities should be finalized as per the scope of CoE. 
  2. Attention should be paid to the successful execution of MoUs with Academia, Industry and local bodies for the implementation of the model.  
  3. The intervention of government bodies is invited for maintaining the affinity between industries and academia to synchronize CoEs for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders


Implementation of the model should be done through procurement, installation, and commissioning of hardware and software as required for each CoE and on boarding resource team at each nodal centre. Any development of Hardware and Software should be undertaken as per the specification of CoE. Infrastructure including training facility, supporting offices and Technical Resource Team should be hired as per the requirement of each lab in CoE. SoP of CoE should be mapped with KRA & KPI and monitored by auditing SOPs, KRAs and KPIs as per the project plan.

Demographic Representation of Hubs and Spokes in 5 Years through the Uttar Pardesh (example)

About the author:

Mr. Sukhpreet Singh is Centre Head Siemens Centre of Excellence, NIT Kurukshetra