Genrobotic Become Pride of Kerala in Huddle Global 2022

Huddle Global 2022

Genrobotics has been awarded the ‘Kerala Pride’ award by Huddle global 2022. Genrobotics CEO, Vimal Govind M.K received the award from Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala Shri. Pinrayi Vijayan. Genrobotics has gained the accolade as a startup that has displayed innovation in solving different social issues and emerged as one of the most impactful companies through various robotic solutions.  As Kerala’s pride for 2022, Genrobotics will receive the prize money Rs. 50 lakhs  from the Kerala Government. The award was facilitated at the  two-day conclave organised by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), on December 15 and 16 at Kerala.

Genrobotic Innovations had created impactful innovations like Bandicoot which saved the lives of thousands of sanitation workers in the country. The technology was developed with the goal of improving sanitation workers’ safety and dignity, as well as to safeguard their human rights along with bringing positive changes in their community. Bandicoot robots are currently deployed in 17 states of India and 3 UT’s and they are transforming the sanitation ecosystems.

Genrobotics has recently launched its new robotic gait trainer, ‘G-Gaiter,’ for the healthcare segment to aid faster recovery from gait disabilities. G-Gaiter aims to give the perfect solution to the problems with the traditional gait training method. G-Gaiter’s AI-powered natural human gait pattern and rehabilitation functions can increase the consistency and quality of gait patterns. The functionality of the G-Gaiter enables medical professionals to creatively tailor therapy to each patient’s particular needs in order to assist them in Neurore

habilitation while also saving time and effort.