IIIT-H to host 2nd annual Conference on Data Driven Tech


Hyderabad- IIIT Hyderabad (through its applied AI centres -IHub-Data and INAI) is hosting a one-day Annual Conference on Data Driven Technologies on 17 Dec 2022.

The conference, initiated by the Technical Innovation Hub of IIITH (iHub-Data) and Intel’s Initiative on Applied AI (INAI) at IIITH will deliberate at length, market research opportunities on academic research initiatives. There would be panel discussions on verticals in (a) AI for Healthcare and (b) AI in Mobility. Plenary sessions for these panel discussions would feature experts from academics, industry and public policy (government officials). 

The existing state-of-the-art in these verticals would be exemplified with keynotes from senior leaders in government with special emphasis on scaling of projects and its scope thereof. There would also be invited sessions featuring joint collaboration experiments using various Data Driven technologies in domains of Healthcare, Mobility/Transportation, Sustainable Buildings, Agriculture, Disaster management, and India specific problems etc. 

Dr Reddy’s, Optum, ZEDF, Stellantis, Intel, and CARE India (formerly Gates Foundation) are some of the prominent companies participating in the conference.

Prof Ramesh Loganathan from IIIT Hyderabad, one of the chief organisers of the event and moderator of the plenary sessions  commented, “We encourage more representatives interested to work in these niche areas to participate and add value to these round-table discussions. I am confident that we have sufficient talent out there who can make their mark too.”

Those interested in participating or attending the conference can register at https://bit.ly/3XPL21A