SemiX, the Centre for Semiconductor Technologies (SemiX), launched its 1st Annual SemiX Summit at the IIT Bombay campus. SemiX enables semiconductor industry focused R&D, workforce development and entrepreneurship by serving as a common interdisciplinary platform to integrate the energies of (a) Multiple involved academic disciplines, (b) Indian semiconductor consumers and creators, (c) academicians, entrepreneurs, investors and government policymakers.
Several corporate partners have joined the SemiX Industry Affiliate Program, including Applied Materials, Synopsys, Texas Instruments, Mattson Technology, Global Foundries, HORIBA and Kaynes Semcon.
With the theme “Inventing Our Semiconductor Future Together,” the Summit promises an immersive and valuable experience for the attendees.
In the keynote address, the Chief Guest Mr. S. Krishnan, Secretary, Minister of Electronics & Information Technology stated, “I am very excited about what is being attempted at SemiX for collaboration between academia, industry, and government, which is very important at the moment. We would like this to grow to other institutions as well.”
“We are at a historical cusp. This initiative would grow with the rest of the semiconductor industry in India,” Mr. S. Krishnan added.
In the second keynote address, Prof. S. Sudarshan, Deputy Director (Academic and Infrastructural Affairs), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay stated, “SemiX as a Centre is playing a significant role in helping to understand the challenges and ultimately driving government policies in ways that will help R&D and Industry. SemiX is starting at very high base and I expect it to fly even higher”.
In his SemiX presentation, Professor-in-Charge Udayan Ganguly used a child learning to walk as a metaphor for SemiX, emphasizing that it will take a village of well-wishers, including government, industry, academia, investors and alumni to help SemiX succeed. He added that SEMIX has a synergistic mission with India Semiconductor Mission to enable India’s leadership in semiconductors.
SemiX will enable a virtuous cycle of talent and technology translation feeding the economic engine to produce growth. Its objectives are:
- Be a nodal point for R&D, Translation, Incubation, Training, Policy related to semiconductors.
- Industry alignment through an industry affiliate program
- Drive entrepreneurship and incubation in partnership with SINE (Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at IIT Bombay)
SemiX 1st Annual Summit began on Monday, November 27th, and will conclude on Wednesday, November 29th. It has more than 350 attendees, representing almost 67 companies from the semiconductor and related industry, 10 venture capital companies and 15 academic institutions.
Besides the keynote addresses and a plenary session, the Summit consists of three tracks: Research, Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship. The Research track has five parallel sub-tracks including Memory Devices and Circuits, Logic Technologies, Analog & Mixed Signal Design, Flexible Electronics & Sensors, and Power & Electrostatic Discharge. Workforce Development focuses on IC Design and Test, Fab Technology, and Packaging. Panels in both tracks include industry leaders and academicians.
The Entrepreneurship track includes discussion on state of semiconductor industry in India and worldwide, a “pitch fest” where nine Indian semiconductor startups will present to ten investors and a workshop on how SemiX in partnership with the investors and industry can address challenges faced by the startups in India.
“So how can IIT Bombay contribute to the success of India’s semiconductor mission?” asked Professor Subhasis Chaudhuri, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. “We have created the Center for Semiconductor Technologies or SemiX to integrate key resources and talent in all disciplines of the semiconductor domain and to build a platform that propels India’s semiconductor aspirations towards global leadership,” Prof. Chaudhuri added.