IN-SPACe CANSAT India Student Competition 2024 is a hit, nurturing future space innovators


The IN-SPACe CANSAT India Student Competition, a collaborative effort between the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) and the Astronautical Society of India (ASI), concluded after two days of intense competition. The event saw 28 teams from across the country come together in a thrilling display of innovation and ingenuity as they competed in designing, developing, and launching their own CAN-sized satellites.

The competition culminated in a prize and certificate distribution ceremony where teams were recognized for their achievements in various categories, including best overall design, technical innovation, and mission accomplishment. Team Vihanga from Lovely Professional University won the first prize while Team Dyaus from the Institute of Technology, Nirma University won the second prize and Team M.A.T.R.I.X from the Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research got the third prize. The other winners included Team VINIDRA from MKSSS’ Cummins College of Engineering for Women, which won the prize for Best Team Work and Team NAMBI VJ from the Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, which won the prize for Best Design.

Shri. S. Somanath, Secretary- Department of Space (DoS), Chairman- ISRO and President- Astronautical Society of India (ASI), graced the event as the Chief Guest and shared his thoughts on the importance of nurturing young talent in the space sector. He said, “The CANSAT competition is a testament to India’s commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and scientific exploration. By motivating students to opportunity to gain hands-on experience through a competitive platform and mentorship, we are empowering them to become the next generation of space scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs.”

The competition provided a unique platform for students to gain practical experience in space science and technology. Teams successfully rose up to the challenge of launching their CANSATs to an altitude of 800 meters using drones. This hands-on challenge not only tested their technical skills but also encouraged a deep understanding of the practical aspects of satellite technology as the participants had to consider various aspects such as payload design, telemetry systems, and recovery mechanisms. The event fostered teamwork, problem-solving skills, and a passion for space exploration among the participants.

Dr. Pawan Goenka, Chairman, IN-SPACe was enthusiastic about the event’s success and said, “The response to the IN-SPACe CANSAT Competition has exceeded our expectations. Witnessing the dedication, creativity, and technical prowess of these young minds has been truly inspiring. We could see the spark of passion for space in the participants and I am confident that they will be the driving force behind India’s future space endeavours. This reassures our commitment to continue to nurture inculcate a space science and technology temperament among the student community.”

Dr. Vinod Kumar, Director-Promotion Directorate, IN-SPACe and Executive Secretary, Astronautical Society of India (ASI) highlight the significance of the event, “We are happy that the IN-SPACe CANSAT Competition has been successful in showcasing the immense potential of such initiatives to create India’s future space force from the student community. By providing a platform for them to demonstrate their skills, the event has sown the seeds of curiosity and ambition that will propel them towards successful careers in the space industry in the near future.”

Beyond the competition itself, the event also served as a platform for networking and collaboration, fostering connections between students, industry professionals, and space agencies. It provided the Indian space industry an opportunity to recruit the best student minds who were part of the CANSAT teams. The resounding success of the IN-SPACe CANSAT India Student Competition 2024 has firmly established it as a cornerstone event in promoting space education and innovation in India.