NEW DELHI, February 26, 2019 – Upcoming Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy, Smart Grid and Smart Cities India Smart Utility Week (ISUW 2019) organized by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) is scheduled from 12th – 16th March 2019, New Delhi, India. ISUW 2019 is supported by Ministries of Power, New and Renewable Energy, Science and Technology, External Affairs, Heavy Industries, Environment Forest and Climate Change, Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and Institutions such as IEC, Korea Smart Grid Association, Global Smart Grid Federation, TERI, Skill India, CIGRE, ISGAN, WWF, CII, CEEW etc.
ISUW 2019 will be inaugurated by Shri AK Bhalla, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India. More than 40 International Organisations and think-tanks have already confirmed their support to the event. Experts from more than 55 countries and 300+ utility officials are expected to converge at the event to discuss on the latest developments, trends and technologies related to cyber secure energy transition and utility transformation. The key topics to be discussed during the conference are digitalization and digital customer; resiliency and future readiness; mainstreaming renewables; energy storage technologies and energy storage roadmap for India; energy and mobility transition, electric vehicle roll-out challenges in India. These are in addition to the full day sessions on Water and Gas Distribution. There are several parallel workshops on variety of topics such as:
- Blockchain for Utilities organized in collaboration with Energy Web Foundation and Energy Blockchain Consortium
- Future Skills 2030 – Skilling for Jobs in 2030 organized in collaboration with Indian School of Business, CII and Skill Council for Green Jobs
- Results of Smart Grid Projects organized in collaboration with NEDO, Japan and NSGM
- Power Market Design organized in collaboration with European Commission and the Florence School of Regulations
- Advance Microgrids organized in collaboration with US Department of Energy
- A high level Roundtable of grid operators from ASEAN, SAARC/BIMSTEC and GCC regions on Interconnection of Regional Grids in Asia – ASEAN GRID, SAARC/BIMSTEC GRID and GCC GRID.
In addition, three bilateral workshops are being organized with France, the US and the European Commission to facilitate experience sharing, project partnerships, collaboration and knowledge dissemination. For the first time, ISGF is also conducting a Roundtable of Women in Energy in Partnership with C3E Initiative of the IEA to discuss the challenges faced by women and actions required to achieve gender equality in Energy Sector.
The event is planned to project India as a top investment destination for Smart Energy and Smart Cities and create Knowledge Pool of informed Decision Makers in Utilities. It will also provide platform to interact with Policy Makers and Regulators and Global Experts who have had hands-on experience in Smart Energy Projects. During the event more than 50 technology companies from India and overseas will be exhibiting latest products and solutions. To register for India Smart Utility Week 2019, kindly visit