Infineon intensifies collaboration on CO2 with Green Awards


Infineon Technologies AG, is intensifying its collaboration with suppliers to further reduce CO2 emissions along  the whole supply chain. Infineon hosted its first ever Supplier Sustainability Summit to further stimulate collaboration and incentivize and support suppliers to accelerate their  decarbonization journeys.The virtual event brought together about 100 top semiconductor industry suppliers.  

“In order to meet our ambitious targets, we need you, our suppliers,” said Elke Reichart,  Member of the Board and Chief Digital and Sustainability Officer at Infineon, during her welcome message. “Infineon’s scope 3 emissions make up the lion’s share of our footprint,  especially the materials we source from our suppliers. Therefore, we very much look forward to joining forces with you. Together, we can stimulate and implement decarbonization strategies even better.”  

Collaboration with suppliers is a fundamental part of Infineon’s overall sustainability strategy. The company has already made significant progress on its way to reaching climate  neutrality by 2030; since 2019 Infineon has halved its CO2 emissions (scope 1 and 2) while  doubling revenue at the same time. In December 2023, Infineon added a commitment to  setting a science-based target that includes the supply chain (scope 3). The procurement  team is actively working with over 100 suppliers, engaging them to define their own science based targets and implement appropriate reduction measures.

The Supplier Sustainability Summit was an excellent opportunity for Infineon to share  learnings from its own climate strategy and journey and to facilitate exchange of best  practices among suppliers. For instance, experts from the Infineon electricity procurement  team gave insights from their hands-on experience in achieving 100 percent renewable  electricity by 2025; whereas two suppliers shared their expertise in effectively setting  science-based targets. The topic was deepened in a panel discussion with Infineon leaders  and an expert from the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) that offered further  practical advice to attendees.  

Infineon’s Green Award recognizes and honors suppliers who demonstrated outstanding  environmental commitment and advancements throughout the past year. The “Best  Performance Award” went to Applied Materials Inc. for its ambitious climate strategy,  including a 1.5°C science-based target and the company’s innovative “Xchange” program.  As part of the program Infineon is directly collaborating with Applied Materials to increase  resource efficiency and reduce emissions. The program enables take-back and  refurbishment of spare parts for complex semiconductor equipment, thereby building on the  circular economy to create environmental and business benefits for both parties.  

The “Best Improvement Award” winner is Sumco Corporation, that has made remarkable  progress in environmental sustainability throughout the past year. The Japan-based  company is the first silicon wafer supplier to make a public commitment to setting a science based target. Following discussions at the top leadership level, Sumco acted at an  impressive speed, accelerating existing carbon reduction targets and expanding renewable  electricity sourcing. 

In the category of companies with less than one billion euros revenue, the “Best  Improvement Award” went to iwis SE & Co. KG. The Munich-based, family-owned company  serves as a great example to many with its ambitious “Zero Carbon 2040 program” and  science-based target commitment. Infineon recognizes the proactive approach towards  improving the environmental impact of operations and supply chain and the integration of  climate targets in the environmental management system at the sites.  

“We would like to applaud the winners of our Green Awards: Applied Materials, Sumco and  iwis for stepping up and taking responsibility for environmental sustainability and  performance,” said Angelique van der Burg, Chief Procurement Officer at Infineon and host  of the day. “We believe that this performance will motivate our whole supplier base to raise  the bar higher and follow their example. Now let’s make the best practice a standard  practice.”