Infineon wins German Sustainability Award 2025  


Infineon Technologies, has won the German  Sustainability Award in the “Electrical Engineering and Electronics” category. “The jury is of  the opinion that Infineon has assumed a leading role in the field of sustainability and serves  

the sector as a ‘beacon’ for successful transformation,” the judges said in their statement.  The German Sustainability Award recognizes companies which make effective and  exemplary contributions to transformation and which function as role models within their  industry.  

“We are particularly honored and delighted to win the German Sustainability Award,” said  Elke Reichart, Member of the Management Board and Chief Digital and Sustainability  Officer at Infineon, who accepted the award in Duesseldorf. “We at Infineon work hard to  drive decarbonization and digitalization and to create a more sustainable future. This award  is recognition, as well as an incentive to be a role model in sustainability and to continue  rigorously implementing our ambitious sustainability strategy – together with our employees,  customers and partners.”  

Infineon is pursuing a comprehensive and ambitious decarbonization strategy. The  company is making good progress towards the goal it defined in 2020: achieving climate  neutrality by 2030. Since then, emissions have been reduced by more than two thirds while  revenue has almost doubled. Moreover, Infineon is intensifying its collaboration along the  entire supply chain. As a pioneer in its industry, Infineon this year began reporting emissions  at the individual product level, referred to as the Product Carbon Footprint. The data is  already available for half of all Infineon products today. 

Infineon’s semiconductors are decisive in making the generation, transmission, storage and  use of energy more efficient. A recent example of sustainable product innovation by Infineon is a new type of energy-saving silicon carbide (SiC) module, whose developers were  nominated for the 2024 Deutscher Zukunftspreis. The solution increases the energy  efficiency of existing high-performance electrical applications such as solar and wind power plants and train drives. Among other things, the module also facilitates the efficient  electrification of large drives such as those found in agricultural and construction machinery,  ships and aircraft. In concrete terms, a single electric locomotive equipped with the new  drive system saves around 300 megawatt hours per year, which corresponds to the annual  energy requirements of 100 single-family homes. 

The German Sustainability Award is Europe’s largest award for ecological and social  commitment. The jury of the German Sustainability Award (DNP) selected winners in 100  different sectors from among around 2000 competing companies. The German  Sustainability Award works together with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce  (DIHK), WWF Germany, PwC Germany, Leuphana University Lüneburg (CSM Lüneburg)  and numerous other industry associations to design and implement the competition.