Keysight Launches RF Microwave Circuit Design, Simulation and Measurement Teaching Solution

Provides students radio frequency microwave fundamentals to specialize in advanced wireless applications such as 5G and IoT


SANTA ROSA, Calif., May 03, 2019 – Keysight, announced a radio frequency (RF) microwave circuit design, simulation and measurement solution that provides students with engineering essentials, practical skills and everyday application knowledge to help them successfully develop 5G and IoT wireless applications.

Keysight’s RF Microwave Teaching Solution focuses on the complete RF circuit design flow, from specification and simulation, to prototype building and validation, while operating on the 5G new radio 1.8-GHz downlink frequency. The core component of the solution is the U3851A RF microwave circuit design, simulation and measurement courseware.

Keysight’s U3851A courseware includes a modular prototype kit that utilizes a 1.8-GHz receiver module, lab sheets and assignments focused on the complete physical design spectrum. The courseware can be coupled with several of the company’s instruments, including Keysight’s oscilloscope, network analyzer, signal generator, and spectrum analyzer.

Keysight’s electronic design and automation software solutions – PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS), PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys), PathWave EM Design (EMPro) and PathWave System Design (SystemVue) – can also be used with the U3851A to ensure fast and accurate RF product design.

Keysight’s RF Microwave Teaching Solution enables universities to:

  • deliver content covering the entire RF system design lifecycle
  • expand current engineering programs
  • easily integrate the lab courseware into current curriculum
  • ensure students are fully updated with the latest developments in engineering

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To request a sample of the U3851A lab sheets, go here: