Keysight, MediaTek Collaborate to Accelerate End-to-End Performance Validation of 5G Multimode Devices

Leading semiconductor company uses Keysight's 5G virtual drive testing tools to emulate real-world radio frequency network conditions in a laboratory environment


SANTA ROSA, Calif., December 18, 2018 : Keysight Technologies, announced that the company’s 5G virtual drive testing (VDT) Toolset is helping MediaTek, a leading semiconductor company, to accelerate end-to-end  data throughput performance validation of multimode 5G New Radio (NR) Devices.

Keysight’s VDT Toolset enables 5G chipset and device manufacturers to bridge the gap between lab and field testing. Based on Keysight’s PROPSIM F64 5G channel emulator, which emulates real-world radio frequency (RF) network conditions, the VDT Toolset uses data captured in the field to build tests. These are then replayed in the field in a controlled laboratory environment as often as needed. This enables MediaTek to validate the performance of new 5G products under typical mobile user conditions such as video streaming, web browsing, and voice calls without running consuming field tests. MediaTek currently uses Keysight’s VDT Toolset to validate 4G devices for operation in high speed train (HST) scenarios.

Keysight’s Nemo field test solution enables users to capture data in the field. This data is subsequently imported into the Keysight VDT Toolset for test case creation, resulting in reliable and repeatable RF replay in a controlled laboratory environment. By using the same tools and mobile user conditions in the field as in the lab, users of Keysight’s VDT Toolset can seamlessly benchmark multimode 5G NR devices and quickly resolve field issues.

“We’re delighted to extend our collaboration with MediaTek to support their efforts in validating 5G devices by simulating real world conditions in the lab,” said Janne Kolu, head of VDT solutions at Keysight Technologies. “Real-world emulation of networks is essential for successful 5G deployments. Keysight’s channel emulation expertise combined with our innovative software-based 5G test solutions is the ideal solution for bridging the gap between lab and field testing.”

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