Making Computer-on-Module integration easier than ever

By: Andreas Bergbauer, Manager Solution Management, congatec


The world of embedded and edge computing technologies is undergoing a paradigm shift. The introduction of aReady.COMs significantly simplifies the integration of Computer-on-Modules into OEM applications. By decoupling system development from application development as much as possible, aReady.COMs enable accelerated time-to-market. They mark the start of congatec’s aReady. strategy.

Computer-on-Modules (COMs) have established themselves as the dominant product category at the board level in embedded and edge computing. For OEMs developing devices, machines, robots and autonomous vehicles, COMs have long formed the foundation for industrial system designs. This popularity stems from two key advantages: Firstly, standardized COMs are much easier to integrate into an application-specific carrier board than a processor into a full-custom design. Secondly, COMs offer scalability beyond processor sockets and manufacturers, meaning upgrades don’t require starting from scratch every time. Instead, the investment in a specific carrier board retains its value beyond the lifecycle of a single processor. For many industrial designs, these two factors are crucial.

Software integration in customer applications – a major crux

The hardware integration of COMs is relatively straightforward for designers, as they can rely on design guidelines and reference carriers, sometimes with corresponding CAD data for the board design. This makes it possible to reuse individual layout elements efficiently. Connecting customer applications to the module platform, on the other hand, poses considerable challenges. The software integration effort often exceeds the hardware effort and requires complex and time-consuming development. 

The average ratio of software to hardware development effort in the past was 3:1, depending on the carrier board and application. However, this ratio continues to increase due to growing requirements for IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) connectivity, cybersecurity, AI (Artificial Intelligence) integration, predictive maintenance, and new HMI (Human Machine Interface) functions like voice control and image recognition. Currently, the ratio is estimated to be as high as 10:1.

To overcome this hurdle, COM manufacturers strive to make their products application-ready and provide users with firmware and low-level hardware-related software support via Board Support Packages (BSPs). 

What does application-ready mean?

The term “application-ready” refers to the fact that a COM – combined with a carrier board, suitable cooling solution, and BSP – enables the installation of an operating system and OEM application. This bundle provides a solid foundation for developing and using specific applications. The BSP contains all required software drivers for the module’s standardized interfaces for different operating systems, which can be installed directly, making the module ready for testing or even direct use in series production.

However, with increasingly complex modern applications involving functions like IoT connectivity, AI, virtualization, and cybersecurity, the conventional definition of “application-ready” is no longer sufficient. Besides adapting the carrier board and BSP for dedicated interfaces, OEMs must invest considerable effort in integrating and securing their applications using specific firmware and middleware. In addition, they need to dedicate time to software validation, testing, and ongoing software maintenance during operation.

A new level of application readiness

Suppliers have begun developing strategies that promise greater added value to meet these challenges and heighten the application readiness of COMs. A pioneer in this field is congatec with its aReady. strategy, presented at the Embedded World trade fair. This strategy includes advanced software building blocks such as integrated hypervisor technology, operating systems, and various IoT and cloud apps. These significantly reduce the integration effort for OEMs and simplify the development and maintenance of software for COMs. Developers can assemble these software building blocks according to their needs and immediately boot the individually configured aReady.COMs, and install their applications. This alleviates the complexity of the integration effort below the application layer and for the diverse IIoT functionalities of an embedded and edge computing system.

As part of its aReady.COM offering, congatec provides support for Ubuntu Pro, RT Linux, and the Linux-based industrial operating system ctrlX OS from Bosch Rexroth. With ctrlX OS, users also gain access to the entire ctrlX OS World and the extensive range of apps in the ctrlX Store, including PLC applications, motion control, communication, and engineering tools. Developers can also access a wide range of IoT and cloud apps, including basic functions such as firewalls and VPN clients. Further aReady. offerings are planned. 

Which COMs are application-ready today?

Congatec’s entire COM-based product range is generally available in aReady. To facilitate use, congatec is currently offering two exemplary aReady.COMs for evaluation. Both are based on the COM-HPC standard and Intel’s 13th generation Core processors (codenamed “Raptor Lake”):

  • The COM-HPC Mini module conga-aCOM/mRLP is ideal for applications requiring high performance in a small form factor.
  • The performance-oriented COM-HPC Client Size A module conga-aCOM/cRLP targets more demanding applications that require higher computing power.

Both modules integrate application-ready hypervisor, operating system, and IIoT software configurations that customers can assemble as required. These fully validated COMs enable OEMs to seamlessly integrate their applications and decouple system development from application development. 

The congatec aReady. strategy thereby offers significantly higher value-add for COMs, providing functionally validated, pre-configured versions of the software building blocks required below and alongside the customer application. This makes the use of COMs much more convenient and efficient. 

Conclusion: A new era for embedded developers

With the introduction of the first sample configurations from the aReady.COM product family and the associated aReady. strategy, congatec is positioning itself as a pioneer in simplifying the implementation of modern base technologies over the entire lifecycle of customer applications. The aReady.COM product line represents a major advance in the world of embedded and edge computing technologies by enabling developers to focus on application development, thereby significantly accelerating the time-to-market of their products.