MoNRE to boost Green Jobs in the country through Suryamitra


Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing Suryamitra Skill Development Programme through National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram since Financial Year 2015-16 to train youth of age above 18 years as solar PV technicians for installation, operation and maintenance of solar power projects. Up to June 2022, a total of 51331 number of candidates have benefited from the skill development training provided under  Suryamitra programme, out of which 26967 number of candidates gained employment.

The third-party evaluation report of the Human Resource Development Programme submitted in May 2021 has rated the Suryamitra programme with high-level impact in terms of indicators such as scale/spread of operation, fulfilment of skill gap, work readiness of trainees and employability percentage.

Further, the Impact Assessment Report for Suryamitra training programme prepared by Skill Council of Green Jobs in December 2020 reported that more than 90% of the trainees have reported improvement in technical knowhow, improved performance in the sector and 88% trainees reported increase in job opportunities.