Mouser and NIDHI PRAYAS to Inaugurate New Innovation Labs at DERBI Foundation in Bangalore


Mouser Electronics announces a virtual inauguration event for the NIDHI PRAYAS Lab and Mouser Innovation Lab at DERBI Foundation on 14th May, 2021. Mark Burr-Lonnon, Mouser Senior Vice President of Global Service & EMEA and APAC Business, will give the keynote address.

“Through the Mouser Innovation Lab, we’re looking to directly help start-ups and innovators minimise the many hurdles to building a proof of concept,” says Burr-Lonnon. “With the resources available from DERBI Foundation, the NIDHI PRAYAS program, and Mouser, innovators can worry less about overcoming these hurdles and focus on making it to the finish line.”

DERBI Foundation is a world-class incubation centre fuelling entrepreneurship dreams of ambitious start-ups working on deep-tech solutions. The foundation is supported by the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, part of the Department of Science & Technology of the Government of India. DST-NIDHI’s PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring technology entrepreneurs (PRAYAS) program helps young innovators turn their ideas into proofs of concept.

Mouser is collaborating with DERBI Foundation and the NIDHI PRAYAS program to create a unique initiative that empowers innovators and start-ups to shorten the ideation-to-market time in the next-gen product space and grow into tomorrow’s tech giants. As a part of the collaboration, Mouser Electronics will provide the equipment, components, and kits for the Mouser Innovation Lab and provide technical mentoring to the members.  

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