Mouser Signs Distribution Agreement with Yazaki Corporation


Mouser Electronics has announced a new distribution agreement with Yazaki Corporation. Yazaki Corporation is a leading manufacturer of connectors, wire harnesses, meters, and many other high-quality products for automotive use.

Through the agreement, Mouser now stocks Yazaki’s latest electrical connectors, including the 1.5 Series connectors. The 1.5 Series, available in both sealed and unsealed options, feature a 6.50 mm vertical terminal pitch. Additionally, it has a tab width of 1.5 mm for the male terminal and a covering size from 0.3 mm² to 1.25 mm². The connectors feature a lance locking system for stable and secure mating action between male and female terminals. Additionally, 500 VDC insolation resistance and 1000 VAC dielectric resistance.

Moreover, Mouser is also shipping the Yazaki 2.3II Series connector, which features a double terminal locking system that eliminates terminal “push-pull” as well as internal lances and front holders for secure terminal positioning. The 2.3 mm tab width of the male terminal has a 10 A current capacity and a 3 mΩ resistance at low voltage.

Yazaki Corporation 58 Series connectors are available in both sealed and non-sealed versions. The 58 Series connectors offer compact design and a variety of tab width ranges from 1.2 mm to 9.5 mm for the male terminals.

Yazaki SWP connectors feature a compact size and a tab width of 1.8 mm for male terminals. These sealed connectors cover wire sizes of 0.3 mm² to 2.0 mm². The SWP series is available in different connections, including wire-to-wire and wire-to-devices. The connectors have an individually sealed concept with a wire seal that works for stable, waterproof performance.

Meanwhile, to learn more about Yazaki products available from Mouser Electronics, visit