NeoMesh wireless sensor networks enable monitoring of remote Australian farm


NeoCortec, the experts on wireless connectivity and providers of ultra-low-power bi-directional wireless mesh network hardware and software solutions, is working together with Australian company farmIT to enable easy monitoring of remote Australian farm assets like livestock water troughs, boundary gates, water tanks, diesel tanks, rainfall, etc.

Neocortec’s ultra-low power, scalable and easy-to-install wireless mesh network technology simplifies installation and reduces operational costs for Australian farmers dramatically. “The labor-intensive process of manually checking livestock water supplies and other farm assets can be prohibitively expensive. NeoMesh presents a low-power, cost-effective solution perfect for the scale of Australian farms,” says Luke Mitchell, CEO of farmIT.

farmIT’s system uses NeoCortec’s long-range radio modules integrated with sensors on each watering point, efficiently channelling data central hub. This data is then transmitted to the cloud via an existing internet connection, completely eliminating the need for any costly communication network. Remarkably, the sensors operate on just two AA batteries for up to five years and the mesh network means that the distance covered is effectively unlimited. With the long-range-radio modules, farmIT is able to get a range of up to five kilometers when there is a clear line of sight. And, if for whatever reason the range to the next node is not enough, a relay station is simply put in the middle to extend the range.

But farmIT’s sensor solutions not only monitor livestock water troughs, but also boundary gates, water tanks, diesel tanks, rainfall, soil temperature, etc.