New legal framework governing Telecommunication in India


Telecommunication has the potential to unleash the true power of India’s economy, accelerate the socio-economic transformation and enable the achievement of the vision of an “Aatmanirbhar Bharat”. Telecommunication is an enabler of digital governance that emphasizes data-driven and people-centric delivery of goods and services to citizens and enterprises.

The legal framework for telecommunication in India is governed by Laws that were enacted long before India’s independence. Technology has evolved significantly in recent decades. To keep pace with emerging technologies, telecommunication legislation has evolved with time in most jurisdictions. These include United States (1996), Australia (1979), United Kingdom (2003), Singapore (1999), South Africa (2000) and Brazil (1997).

Stakeholders have been demanding the evolution of the legal framework to keep it in tune with changing technology.

In view of the above, the Government of India, the Ministry of Communications, and the Department of Telecommunications have prepared a consultation paper on the need for a new legal framework in the telecom sector. The consultation paper may be accessed at On the Consultation Paper, comments of the stakeholders have been invited by the last date 25th August 2022.