Nokia Extends Manufacture of Broadband Equipment Into India

GPON optical line terminals (OLTs) will be manufactured at Nokia’s Chennai factory. The increased production will support demand from customers in India and worldwide.


New Delhi- Nokia has announced that it will extend manufacturing PON optical line terminals (OLTs) at its factory in Sriperimbudur near Chennai, India. The decision comes in response to increasing demand from local customers in India, as well as international markets.

Shifts in consumer behavior, from home working to data-rich entertainment services, are driving demand for broadband. This demand is matched by strong institutional support with significant funding from governments and private equity funds. Nokia is currently a participant in the Government of India’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. It is extending its production capacity into Chennai in response to growing demand.


Demand for fiber is also shifting to new regions with the Asia-Pacific region. Strong demand is seen in markets like Japan, India and Southeast Asia. Much of this demand will be seen in the form of fiber to the home (FTTH). However, there is also significant demand from mobile network operators (MNOs) as they deploy 5G. Further, they need next-generation fiber in their transport networks to carry the expected surge in data traffic. Nokia’s planned production of PON OLTs in India will give a boost to expand the company’s production base.

Sandy Motley, President Fixed Networks at Nokia, said, “The importance and criticality of high-speed broadband has never been more pronounced as it is today. Nokia is the leader in FTTx solutions globally and is innovating rapidly to introduce next generation PON solutions. We are happy to add the manufacturing capacity in India to better address increasing demand in the region and worldwide.”

Sanjay Malik, SVP and Head of India Market at Nokia, said, “India is seeing massive demand for fiber connectivity from both fixed and mobile operators. OLT production at our Chennai plant will offer a timely boost to meeting this demand in a timely way. Service providers in India will benefit from the increased availability of both existing Lightspan product lines as well as upcoming GPON access nodes which offer smaller lower-density OLTs to suit a range of conditions and requirements.”