Rohde & Schwarz achieves TSA certification for its R&S QPS201 security scanner

The R&S QPS201 from Rohde & Schwarz is the newest people screening system to be certified by TSA as meeting detection requirements for aviation security checkpoint passenger screening


23 March, 2019 – Rohde & Schwarz, a world leader in manufacturing test and measurement, communications, and broadcast and media equipment, announced today that its Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), the Rohde & Schwarz R&S QPS201 Quick Personnel Security scanner, has achieved TSA certification. TSA certification validates that the R&S QPS201 meets TSA’s stringent aviation security detection requirements. The R&S QPS201 security scanner delivers high-performance security screening using safe, millimeter wave radio frequency technology to rapidly and accurately screen passengers for concealed threats.

“We are pleased that the R&S QPS201 has achieved the milestone of TSA certification and look forward to continuing to build a partnership with TSA, US airports and air carriers to support next generation security screening operations,” said Scott Bausback, President and CEO of Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc. “Widely deployed and in use at some of the world’s busiest airport security checkpoints, we look forward to introducing our high performance AIT technology to US travelers and transportation security officers to demonstrate its high speed, passenger friendly and high-performance security capabilities.”

The R&S QPS line was developed specifically to establish a new standard in passenger-friendly AIT performance and security screening. The R&S QPS security scanner automatically detects potential prohibited items concealed under clothing or on the body. When a potential threat is detected, the location of the object is marked on a neutral graphic outline of a human body. In the interest of preserving privacy, R&S QPS AIT does not produce any image of the person being screened. The system uses safe millimeter wave radio frequency technology and its transmit power is thousands of times less than that produced by a mobile phone.

The R&S QPS201 joins the R&S QPS200 in achieving TSA certification and both systems have achieved European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) certification and are in use at airports across Europe. The R&S QPS systems’ millimeter wave technology is based on the Company’s many years of expertise in developing globally leading radio frequency and test and measurement equipment.

For more information, please visit the QPS Learning Center