R&S Supports 5G Research at University of Glasgow with Network Test Equipment

mobile network testing

Equipment for electromagnetic field research, provided by Rohde & Schwarz, will help advance the knowledge base at the University of Glasgow regarding electromagnetic fields radiating from 5G sites. Moreover, the university is using the equipment in a demonstration during COP26, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Glasgow, on how 5G can contribute to carbon-neutral living.

Munich, November – Rohde & Schwarz has provided 5G network test equipment including the R&S TSMA6 scanner and QualiPoc software to the University of Glasgow’s James Watt School of Engineering to assist research into 5G NR network performance and safety. The school’s researchers will use the equipment to perform accurate electromagnetic field (EMF) measurements to increase understanding of safe levels for human exposure, using their Scotland 5G Centre funded testbed. Their research works towards minimizing EMF strength while maintaining service quality and performance.

In addition, the University of Glasgow demonstrates a pop-up 5G network, which is supported by the Rohde & Schwarz equipment, at a University of Glasgow fringe event during the United Nations Climate-Change Conference COP26, hosted by the City of Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021. A team from the school demonstrates how services supported by 5G, such as holographic telepresence and remote operation of industrial equipment, can help raise productivity, minimize travel, and consequently contribute to lower carbon emissions. The R&S TSMA6 and QualiPoc software will help show how EMF strength is well within known safe limits.

The R&S TSMA6 autonomous network scanner and QualiPoc software work together to perform code-selective EMF measurement, a proven, accurate method defined by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) that takes into account the effects of 5G’s beamforming technology. The QualiPoc software, which runs on an Android smartphone or tablet, provides a handheld solution for service-quality tests and radio-interface analysis. For EMF measurement, the application mathematically converts signal-power (dBm) into field strength (EMF) in V/m and sums the EMF values of synchronization signal blocks according to the code-selective measurement procedure.

Professor Muhammad Imran, Professor of Communication Systems / Dean University of Glasgow UESTC (Systems Power & Energy), said: “In addition to supplying the equipment, which is highly effective for network analysis and EMF measurement, Rohde & Schwarz has also provided excellent support including usage guidance and insights into measurement techniques. This is enabling us to increase the body of knowledge concerning 5G EMF effects and prove the robustness of safety assurances.”

Paul Coffey, CEO of The Scotland 5G Centre, which is working with organizations including the University of Glasgow and the business world to accelerate the deployment and adoption of 5G in Scotland, added, “The accurate measurement capabilities provided by this equipment can give businesses, government, and consumers extra confidence to take advantage of the transformative services we are anticipating as 5G networks continue to roll out.”

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