Saelig launches PicoScope 6428E-D: 3GHz, 10GSa/s, MSO oscilloscope


Saelig Company announces the PicoScope 6428E-D four-channel high-speed oscilloscope, a new addition to Pico Technology’s PicoScope 6000E Series, featuring up to 3GHz bandwidth with a maximum vertical resolution of 12bits into 50ohm inputs, with an extremely fast, real-time sampling rate of 10GSa/s. Larger than ±500mV input signals can be accommodated with external attenuators or probes designed to be used with 50ohm inputs. The 4GSa buffer can hold up to two 200ms captures at the maximum sampling rate of 10GSa/s, which is helpful when recording multiple instances of a complex signal in different signal conditions, and capturing very fast high-frequency signals with precision for detailed signal analysis. The PicoScope 6428E-D can display single-shot pulses with 100ps time resolution. Its accurate timing and amplitude resolution can reveal critical signal integrity issues, such as timing errors, glitches, dropouts, crosstalk and metastability issues.


  • 4 channels and four input ranges per channel (±50mV, ±100mV, ±200mV, ±500mV) 
  • Up to 3GHz bandwidth 
  • 100ps time resolution 
  • 4GSa capture memory 
  • Up to 10 GSa/s real-time sampling 
  • 8-, 10-, or 12-bit flexible resolution (FlexRes) 
  • Segmented memory/rapid block trigger
  •  Built-in 50MHz 14-bit function generator/AWG  
  • Fast transfer of captured data to the host computer via the USB 3.0 SuperSpeed connection 
  • PicoScope software included, with drivers and SDK (Windows, Linux, Mac) 
  • Programming examples for LabView, MATLAB, Python and C++ 

Typical applications:

  • High energy physics 
  • Particle accelerators 
  • LIDAR (light detection and ranging) 
  • VISAR (velocity-interferometer system for any reflector) 
  • Spectroscopy 
  • Medical imaging 
  • Semiconductor/Production test 
  • Non-destructive testing 

The PicoScope 6428E-D is designed for scientists, engineers and researchers working in high-speed applications who need to capture, measure, and analyze sub-nanosecond waveform events – either in stand-alone applications or integrated as part of a larger system. Traditional benchtop mixed-signal oscilloscopes take up bench space, and models with eight analog channels are prohibitively expensive for many engineers working on next-generation designs. The 6428E-D delivers a low cost of ownership for this class of instrument, and comes with free software upgrades as new features become available. Made by Pico Technology, Europe’s award-winning test and measurement manufacturer, the PicoScope 6428E-D is available now from Saelig Company, Inc. their USA technical distributor.